FiiO BTR5 Wireless Headphone Amp / DAC - Official Thread

The App completely sucks. I have it working as well as it can which isn’t saying much. That is on a iPhone XS Max, and a 12 Pro Max.

Qudelix 5k is the solution to the deficiencies of the BTR5.

Joined the BTR5 club this week. So far I’m digging this little device.

A question to the owners w.r.t. the 2.5mm socket. I was suspecting a channel imbalance towards the right channel (maybe 1 or 2 dBs – not much). Darn, have to return this thing, I thought. Started fiddling around… Changed the (modular) plug to 3.5mm and it was dead center. WTH… :thinking:

Changed the plug back to 2.5mm once again, and… Dead center. :exploding_head:

Started pressing the plug more firmly into the socket… BAM… Imbalance. Pulled it back a little (micrometer level)… Dead center once again. It’s a hardware issue.

Anyone else experimented this? I mean, 2.5mm is not the most robust connection in these days but am just trying to collect more info out there. Still have a few weeks before the return window is gone. Or, maybe I’ll just live with it.

Thanks! Cheers. :beers:


2.5 mm is fickle, very fickle. I have an older FiiO that can be cantankerous like that with it’s 2.5 mm. It wasn’t enough of a problem to want to hassle a return and I’ve since found cables that don’t have that problem to use with it.

Mark Gosdin

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Yeah, I kept thinking about this. Have been using the K3 and Q3 with 2.5mm plugs for the past 2 years and don’t remember any imbalances – or, never paid too much attention to it. :man_shrugging:

Anyway, ran a couple of tests. IEM above in the Q3 there was no issue. And a HD660S with a Drop cable works fine in both BTR5 and the Q3. Ironically enough, the issue is happening with a FiiO cable. :joy:

Anyway, I think I found a work-around. The connector itself seemed a little bent. I gently started bending the plugged connector to all directions to get a pattern of the failures. I bent back and forth a couple of times and the connector now seems to be in place. For how long, I don’t know.

I’ll be monitoring the status for the next few weeks. If OCD kicks in really bad I’ll return the unit.