Headphone Evaluation: Test Tracks

Want to try something new, try La Spagna from BIS records.

Its old spanish music recorded on site with minimal micing and original dynamics and a super clean sound. You have all the soundstage you wish for, super resolving &clean, clean mids, dynamics through the roof.

The music is unusual but as a test track its works just fine.



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Just adding my recent playlists here. I may do a separate thread for playlists specifically at some point but for now it can live here.

List 1:

List 2:


Hi guys, maybe interesting to some of you? Here is an article on some of the reference audio tracks we use within HEDD QC and beyond.

[ The HEDD Team's Go-To Reference Tracks | HEDD Audio]

Many thanks, hope everyone is well.
Freddy // HEDD


Thanks Freddy, that was really useful. I like it when people say what they’re listening for in a test track.

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