I’ve been spending a bit of time on discord lately, mainly Crinacle’s discord channel, which has an interesting mix of folks from all over the world and they spend a lot of time chatting about high end portable audio.
One of the iems that kept getting brought up was the qdc Anole VX, which I had seen some stuff about but didn’t know too much about the company or any of their products besides that they were a chinese brand and pretty hard to find in the USA.
But after a while, @MCM, who shares a similar interest in headphone gear and musical tastes with me, went to the recent CanJam and demo’d it and instantly purchased the VX. That’s a ton of cash to drop on a 10 minute demo. But he had been using the Solaris, like me, recently and was also fond of Focal products and even shared similar source/amp gear as me. So I became even more interested.
In a random reddit post, I made some comment about the Solaris being a little tricky with fit and that I wanted to try out the Anole VX but that it wasnt easy to locate. By chance, @jrockwell put me into contact with another local enthusiast who had the Anole VX and we met up and he let me try it out for a few minutes. Within a minute of listening, I knew I wanted to get this…
So I came home and ordered it.
And it came. And it’s just great so far. There’s 3 switches to control bass/mids/treble and you can do combinations of each. I prefer the stock tuning (all-off) or with the mids on. It looks like this:
While this IEM is fully BA, the bass BAs have enough decay and body to it to make it sound closer to a dynamic than a BA, however it still has the BA feel to it. That said, I still enjoy it. The resolution is really good, the signature is well balanced, and the imaging and soundstage is deep, wide and extended for an IEM.
I’ll post a full review later but this is possibly my end-game for IEMs.