Used my Triple.Fi 10s for nearly a decade. Took them out two months ago and the glue broke. Most of the gear below was acquired, rapidly, afterwards…
- Sennheiser PC 350 SE (2015 edition; fantastic for when I need a mic)
- Sennheiser HD 598 SE (probably the best entry level open backs)
- ATH-M50x (probably the best entry level closed backs)
- TH-X00 EB/PH (assembled from two broken pairs and modded with 2.5mm jacks; huge fan of the sound but not the design!)
- NightOwl Carbon (picked them up at a great price when my TH-X00 broke. Not impressed.)
- KEF M500 (picked up for a fraction of MSRP because I love my KEF Q150 speakers…really interesting design, decent sound, nice when I need something a bit more compact but still visibly on my head at work)
- Sony MH755 (insane value for money)
- VE Monk (very skippable, go for the MH755)
- Zero Audio Carbo Tenore (wishes it was the MH755)
- KZ ZS7 (of all the KZs, my favorite - even against the AS16 - for its unique sound)
- Tin Audio T2 Pro (overhyped on everything but build quality which is superb)
- Massdrop Plus Universal (the least fun IEMs you’ll ever own but a nice reference device)
- Noble 3U (gorgeous design and average sound. The inversion of the Massdrop Plus)
- 64 Audio U4SE (on the way!)
- Noble K10U (on the way!)
- Campfire Audio Solaris (current favorite IEMs for everything but fit)
- 64 Audio Fourté (on the way!)
- 64 Audio U4SE (after borrowing it had to get my own!)
- ZMF Eikon (I wasn’t blown away and for the price I wanted to be)
- Sony IER-M9 (impressive but couldn’t get a good seal)
- Sony IER-Z1R (preferred the M9)
- 64 Audio Trió (preferred the Solaris especially at the price points)
- Focal Stellia (loved it but couldn’t find a place for it)
- Fiio BTR3 (my first writeup here! Buy the ES100 instead, probably)
- Centrance DACport HD
- Massdrop LCX + SDAC
- Massdrop THX AAA 789 (on the way!)
Wants to try:
- Andromeda and the Andromeda S (more of the sound I love from the Solaris but in a more reasonable package? Yes please)
- 64 Audio U12t
- 64 Audio U18t
- Reshelling my Triple.Fi 10s…can’t let them go out like this!
- A 64 Audio CIEM
- Finding a DAP I can live with - must have USB-C and the ability to sideload / sync wirelessly