I am 53 years old with a wife and two children living in the uk. I have been interested in listening to music all my life. I became very much more interested in the Audiophile kind of way around 6 1/2 years ago. Since then I have worked my way up through gear buying and selling gear on a frequent basis. Music wise my tastes are far and wide. From growing up on the 80’s I have a fondness for this music. My main love though is Acoustic music with a preference for the guitar.
Headphone wise I like a neutral sound with the treble being quite prominent. For instance I love my Andromeda’s my U18t and my HD800S. Although I have found that recently I also like a slightly elevated sub-bass. At the moment I currently own The HD650 and Hd800 with HD58X. I also now own the Focal Clears. I run my big cans through a Matrix M-Stage HPA3u Amp/Dac. Iem wise I own Shure se425 and 846’s along with Massdrop Plus and Campfire Andromeda’s with my newest acquisition being the 64 Audio U18t. Source wise I have a Pioneer XDP 300r Dap and ipod 6. I am now the very proud owner of the Cayiin N6ii Dap along with the A01 and E01 replaceable Amp/Dac Modules. I also own a Chord Mojo, FiiO 12a Mont Blanc amp, Jds Objective 2 black and Jds Atom along with oodles of other bits and bobs. I also like good cables, not hugely expensive ones. I also like using Balanced where I can.
Work wise sadly I have had to give up due to Chronic Lung Disease requiring 24 hr Oxygen. Apart from that I am in relatively good health.
Most recent headphone purchases Focal Clear and 64 Audio U18t. EE Odin. Cayin N6ii + Dac/Amp modules.