I got to spend some time with the LCD-5 before @Resolve slithered off like a slithery snake with them depriving myself and @andrew of listening to them (we we’re listening off the Ferum Oor stack).
Quick impressions based on memory of last Thursday’s listening.
- They are very lightweight. I went to pull them out of the box and almost threw them across the room as I had just lifted the LCD-4 out of their box to A/B with (might be a slight exaggeration but man they are much lighter than I expected).
- Comfort is pretty good. The pads are comfortable and I didn’t have any hotspots with the headband. I did notice some clamp force but Resolve mentioned that the clamp force seemed to have lessened over the weekend so if it’s good for his melon head it should be good for mine too
- Cable is what you would expect if you are familiar with the LCD-4 cable. Nicer material and seems to have better build but only time will tell once wear and tear sets in.
- Sound: First impressions was that it reminded me of the Hifiman Susvara. Detail on the LCD-5 is absolutely insane. I always found the LCD-4 to resolve very well and the LCD-5 is on another level. I would put it above the Utopia for this quality.
Tonally, it’s actually quite different than the LCD-4 and I found the presentation to be more balanced overall. For those worried about bass, I wouldn’t worry. While I don’t think it hits as hard as the LCD-4, the quality of bass from the LCD-5 is outstanding.
Once Resolve is done stealing our gear I’ll be able to get some more headtime with the LCD-5 for more thorough impressions but I think a lot of people (including Audeze) can breathe a sigh of relief that the LCD-5 and I would rate it at my favourite release of 2021 so far (with the iFi Audio GO Blu coming after that).