CanJam Dallas 2024 Headphone Measurements

Howdy, y’all! We did Dallas!

And we a got a tooooon of headphone measurements done on DMS’s B&K 4128, as mentioned in DMS’s video here:

Now before we get to the squiggles, there are a few disclaimers and notes I wanna put out there:

  • There were a few measurements that got overwritten accidentally (it’s hard managing this much data across 3 operators) so apologies if someone who got their headphone measured can’t find it here.

  • IEMs as measured on the 4128 look… pretty weird/incorrect, so I’ll leave those out for now. If any of you got your IEMs measured by us and want to see them though, feel free to DM me and I’ll get you sorted.

  • To that end, if anyone got their headphones measured by us and wants the raw data or a single average for the L/R channels for use with EQ, again feel free to ping me here or in our Discord server.

  • And finally, we measured some things at the show that we’re not exactly allowed to share publicly, so apologies if you saw us measuring things that you don’t see below.

Anyways, go ahead and scroll down to see all the measurements we’re allowed to share! Thanks to all who came to see us in Dallas and let us measure their stuff :smiley:

Abyss Diana MR

Leather Pads

Suede Pads

Dekoni Fenestrated Sheepskin

Leather Ported Pads

Suede Ported Pads

Aftershokz OpenFit Air

AKG K240 Sextett (Right Channel Only)

Audeze LCD-5 (EminentOne)

Audeze LCD-5 (Unknown)

Audeze LCD-X 2021 (Payton)

Beyerdynamic DT 880

Beyerdynamic DT 1770 mk2

Beyerdynamic DT 1990 mk2

Analytical Pads

Producer Pads

Beyerdynamic T50i (HD25 Yaxi Pads)

Capra Audio Ouroboros (Golem Mod)

Denon D2000 (Lawton Mod)

Focal Clear Professional

Fostex x Drop T-X0

Fostex TH-x00 Mahogany (Ashuran9007)

HarmonicDyne Zeus (Dekoni Beyerdynamic Elite Velour Pads)

Hifiman Arya Stealth

Hifiman Arya V2 (Sean)

Hifiman Audivina

Hifiman Susvara (Bunnygal)

Hifiman Susvara Unveiled

Kennerton Vinetta (Eyal)

Koss KPH30i (Sean)

Koss KPH40 (on KSC clips)

Koss KSC75 (Yaxi Pads)

Koss PortaPro Wireless (Dekoni Pads)

LC-Dolida Bluetooth Headband Headphone

Meze 109 Pro (Tommy)

Meze Elite (Bunnygal)

Peloton Buds

Sennheiser HD 414

Sennheiser HD 540 Reference 600Ω

Sennheiser HD 580 (Black Silk)

Sennheiser HD 600 Countertop

Sennheiser HD 6XX (Sean)

Sennheiser HD 650 (Fresh Pads)

Sennheiser HD 800S (Payton)

Sennheiser HD 800S (Demo Unit)

Sennheiser Momentum 2 (Carl)

Sony CD900st (Ish Mod)

T+A Solitaire P


Bass Preset

Jazz Preset

ZMF Aeolus (No Titan Mesh, No Pads Specified, Blame DMS)

ZMF Atrium Cocobolo

Atrium Pads

Caldera Pads

ZMF Bokeh Closed

Stock pads

Caldera Pads

ZMF Caldera Closed (Eyal, CC Hybrid Pads)

ZMF Caldera Open Kingwood (Caldera Pads)

ZMF Caldera Open (Thick Caldera Pads)

ZMF Omni

ZMF Verité Desert Ironwood (Pads undisclosed)

ZMF Verité Closed


Hope you’ll put something like a for your data.


Oh no… you measured my Focal Utopia22 but I don’t see it here: I guess it got overwritten?

Yeah :frowning: Sorry, Atriya

For what its worth, I remember your unit measuring with excellent channel balance & looking bang-on exactly like every Utopia 2022 I’ve ever seen.

So if you wanted to use the measurements for EQ, you can try the community average on my 5128 site and be reasonably sure that your unit and the measured average align quite well.

Sorry again, man :sob:

No problem, thank you anyway for measuring them!

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@listener: The Bracelet that you wear in the Dallas CanJam Video, is this the Meze Bracelet?


i think i was able to address the inbalance with the recent new pads with your assistance
later at home i thought about this and went to depress pad around the 3m tape perimeter and detected a tsk sound like when tape peel up while going around the pad indicating some tape may not have been adhered at that section
going around a few times now with no more sound of that i believe it was not fully sealed
after i can no longer sense the left side lower volume level anomaly any longer

ty @listener for share and help to identify this


Happy to help, homie! The imbalance really wasn’t bad to begin with but better is always better :smile:

Thanks for measuring my Focal Clear Pro. It’s cool looking at all the measurements like this

Waiting for the rest. Aka Arya Unveiled and Isvarna :wink:
Good stuff, keep it comming

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Nice of y’all to do this! :+1:

Amazing guys thank you - really needs these on a proper “squig” like website though were we can really drill down into comparisons.

And amazing that you got to measure I had a HD 414. I had one for many years (it was a favourite all day headphone - it was so light) but I did sell mine a few years ago :cry: before I got properly back into headphones. For a super ancient model it doesn’t look that bad.