Chord 2go (Streamer) & 2yu (Interface) - Official Thread

The lovely weather here finally proved enough to have me tear myself away from the HSA-1a, venture outside, and spend some more time with the 2go/Hugo 2 combination (with the MySphere 3.2 today).

A couple of functional updates:


Berrie, the author of this software, responded very quickly to my “bug” report regarding multi-artist albums. The fix was to fill in the “Album Artist” values for compliation/multi-artist albums to a common value for all tracks on such an album (e.g. “Various” or “Various Artists”) … as “NULL” or not having the field set, doesn’t work as a common value here.

This makes sense, even if every other player/server/client/device I have will group purely by the Album name in this case. But it’s an easy fix, and now it’s done, so that is working correctly, and Berrie’s responsiveness was impressive (was well under 24 hours).

The cover-art issue was resolved by making sure every album folder has a Cover.jpg file as well (see afore-mentioned script to accomplish this). However, until the covers have been cached, Rigelian will either show no cover or pull from an online source (Musicbrainz or Discogs).

BUT … this is now how I am driving the 2go/Hugo 2 for SD-card playback.


2go has been FLAWLESS driven from Roon, even if the unit does not show as “Roon Certified”. And at home, this will be my preferred way to use the unit.


This has been almost flawless driven from my standard DLNA/UPnP servers and control points (which I’ve had in place for years, as that’s the “native” mode for my main Linn speaker rig, even if I mostly drive it via Roon now).

SD-card Replay

SD-card replay (which still requires an external/third-party app, like Rigelian) is not as smooth.

There are lots of little, inconsistent/occaisional issues here.

The two card slots are treated independently. You have to manually switch between them in the goFigure app. Doing so works, but your player application may have issues with the change.

Glider will tend to leave all albums visible, but show a “Music Offline” message if the one you try and play isn’t on the card you have selected. Rigelian behaves a bit better here, but can still get lost and then winds up needing to be terminated, ITs database update, and then you can go play again.

SD-Cards in General

Its best to make sure nothing is going on with one card slot before doing anything with the other. For example, sometimes inserting a second card, if the first is indexing or being played from, will cause the 2go to lose its mind and go into a “indexing forever” state - at which point you’re manually resetting the thing … and starting your indexing over.

Indexing IS slow … yes it’s building two indexes, but still … it’s SLOW. Half the speed, at best, as my DAPs. Over 40 minutes for a ONE full 1TB card …

A couple of times since I got it, it has just decided to re-index a card that hasn’t been touched.

Cards are NOT computer-accessible in the unit, you have to remove them and deal with them in a card-reader.

However, playback from them, once working, is trouble free.


I still say the 2go improves the audible performance of the Hugo 2. And I’d rather use it via SD-card playback, than via a wired or Bluetooth connection from my phone. It’s a MUCH better experience than Poly was (though Poly should be about the same, now).