Chord Anni - Desktop Integrated Speaker/Headphone Amplifier

Chord Anni is a dinky desktop amplifier for both headphones and speakers

Chord has packaged its proprietary Ultima amplifier technology into its most diminutive design yet. The Anni is the company’s first-ever desktop integrated amp, capable of delivering 10 watts of amplification to headphones and speakers through its 3.5mm, 6.35mm and banana-type speaker outputs

This is the spot to discuss CHORD’s latest creation.


Since when are Chord products made by Audeze?


just look at Audeze Chord products

(That’s an intended pun)

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That’s supposed to be a secret

At $1795, this amp will compete with Burson Soloist 3x, Violectric v280, GSX Mini and possibly SPL Phonitor X.
Quite curious how it will perform.

I love qutest/anni form factor. It fits easily on work desk.

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i think so too, chord hit a good blow

with SUSVARA…anyone volunteer?

Hmmm, 10 watts into 8 ohms (which is the only power spec they give, even in the manual) probably puts the headphone jack output closer to 5 watts into 32ohms. Nice, but not groundbreaking.

i wonder if he will be able to drive well hifiman SUSVARA or Abyss 1266 Phi TC

Power output, at various impedances, for the Chord Anni should look like this:

Per the note, these are calculated values; only the baseline figure is provided by the manufacturer, so variations in values at a given impedance are possible based on the specific current, voltage-rail and thermal constraints at work.


It’s amazing that 10 watt speaker amps become a quarter watt amp for 300 ohm headphones.

Not finger-pointing at this product, just seeing the numbers laid out like that really hits me in the face!

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thank you very much TORQ for this recap table

Has anyone in the forums heard the Anni? I have given up trying to get a Phonitor, so I am now looking harder into the Anni.

I own it and like it a lot…mostly because its size allows me to easily transport…it drives most anything and pairs well with chord dac’s

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