Feliks Audio Euforia - Official Thread

After having used the Euforia for the best part of a year with the stock tubes, it felt like the right time to get started with some tube rolling. So I did some research and took some advice to find some worthwhile but inexpensive rolls to try out, and this is the outcome. Here are some impressions!

(CBS/6080) CBS 6SN7GTB (Side “D” Getter – Angled “T” plates - Stubby) + Raytheon JAN 6080
Compared to Stock (PsVane CV181 T2 + Svetlana 6N13S)

  • Dead silent noise floor, within usable volume range and well beyond
  • Smoother texture throughout, more liquid sounding
  • Improved 3D-factor and image tangibility
  • Less edgy in the transients, better control

Overall this is a safe and well-rounded upgrade over the stock tubes, while mostly staying true to the Euforia’s core sound. I found these tubes on ebay for around $100 total (NOS, unused and platinum matched), and to get such an upgrade for that price makes it an easy recommendation.

(KT88) Quad Gold Lion KT88 Genelex
Compared to Stock (PsVane CV181 T2 + Svetlana 6N13S)

  • Slightly less noisy, humming barely audible on my 660S, not bothersome
  • Reduced power output, Empyrean feels a bit underdriven
  • Dryer texture, more crisp and airy
  • Wider/deeper soundstage, more spacious
  • Snappier but better controlled transients

Disclaimer: Using non-standard tubes via 3rd party conversion adapters is not always without risk, and the amp manufacturer can’t be held accountable for damage caused by this. Don’t try experimenting with non-standard tubes unless you’re certain that the tubes are within the amp’s spec (Max 7A for the Euforia, the KT88’s are specced at an Ih of ~1.6A each), and ensure the use of correct, well-built adapters from a reputable source (I use these adapters). When in doubt about risks/compatibility, contact the amp manufacturer for advice.

This seemed to be a very popular roll among Euforia/Elise owners, so I decided to give it a try. It’s definitely quite a departure from the Euforia’s core sound, and that can be either a good thing or a bad thing. With my Sennheisers, the KT88’s are glorious. Impressively resolving, crisp and spacious. But my Empyrean feels a bit underdriven and sounds a touch bland as a result. Overall, worth a try if your headphones can manage the lower power output and you’re looking for a bit less sweetness and a more airy and resolving sound.

Preferred rolls per headphone:

Empyrean : CBS/6080 > Stock > KT88
HD660S : KT88 > CBS/6080 > Stock
HD580 : KT88 > CBS/6080 > Stock

DAC used: Schiit Bifrost 2
Headphones used: Meze Empyrean, Sennheiser HD660S, Sennheiser HD580 Precision