Focal Utopia Open-Back Headphones - Official Thread

Utopia on MZ3 is very fun and technical (with a few staging tricks) but not very emotionally engaging to my ears. I’m not moved by the slower music or intimate performances or acoustic stuff as I’m used to. Let it rock out or even if it’s some smaller jazz suddenly a lot of details pop out and the spherical like staging makes it a very fun listen

The holographic presentation is a little exaggerated with the MZ3. The stage isn’t large on any dimension but it emphasizes positioning with depth plays that is cool but isn’t necessarily in the track I think

This was great

I think I prefer the OG to the 2022 from memory. The 22 was a bit more standard and when compared to something like the D8KP LE I see little reason to own 2022. The OG has its own thing going for it.

It’s also by far the better value with used prices and the headphone to beat under $3K imo