Here are my measurements of the Goldplanar GL2000 Double Sided:
Default pads:
Hybrid Perf pads:
Channel Matching:
Distortion (THD):
Air gap behavior (front side):
Air gap behavior (back side):
The following are experimental measurements done using in-ear mics. The main point of this is to give a point of comparison for how it would be heard when worn on the head (minus HRTF). So if you’re familiar with the Sundara, this does two things, 1) it shows how the coupling is for bass and lower mids between the two, and 2) it shows how the GL2000 double sided deviates from the Sundara when worn on the head.
Limitations on these measurements: because it’s taken at the ear canal entrance, it only shows pinna and concha effects. Missing here is all the gain information that would show up as a result of the ear canal and other factors before the ear drum. Therefore, these cannot be compared with the measurements taken on industry standard rigs posted above. Still, at the very least this is a fun new data point to look at.
In-ear mic measurement vs 2020 Sundara (experimental):
In-ear mic measurement compensated to 2020 Sundara (experimental):
Here’s the review:
EQ profile:
Keep in mind that if there is unit variation, this only applies to this GL2000 double sided, and so if it starts sounding weird to you, this may be due to unit variation issues or different pad issues. Speaking of the pads, this EQ applies to the default pads, and not the perf pads.
FR after EQ: