Sennheiser IE900 Review - A major step forward, but is it enough?

The IE300. The IE800/S. Name any Sennheiser IEM, and I have to admit that I'm probably not too fond of it. Perhaps that's why I begrudgingly put off making the drive down to Sennheiser San Francisco to hear the brand's latest flagship IEM, the Sennheiser IE900. But imagine my surprise when I actually got around to hearing the IE900...and I liked it. Heck, I remember straight-up telling Julian, the awesome employee who got me set up, "Yup, this is the only Sennheiser IEM that I have any intention of ever purchasing". We both agreed that it was leaps better than the company's previous flagship IEM, the IE800S, which I A/B-d the IE900 with for comparison. Of course, topping an outdated (and quite frankly, underwhelming) flagship IEM is one thing. So in this review I'm going to answer the question of whether the IE900 actually stacks up to its current competition and if it merits the hefty $1300 cost of entry. 

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