Sonarworks Reference & True-Fi

Parametric EQs are cool but since last week I gave it all up for these guys:

In short, two things are happening:

  1. Frequency response is neutralized – to their criterion and according to their measurements (assuming they’re available for the cans);
  2. A V-shaped EQ’ed to taste is applied on top of it – a.k.a., the spice/fun button.

It’s so much simpler when the number of variables are reduced to two: bass and treble tilt. Laziness and enjoyment walking side by side. Some, would just call it convenience.

Three possibilities with this piece of DSP, and two places to click in the user interface (GUI):

  1. Listen to the cans as is (no DSP);
  2. Apply neutralization (DSP);
  3. Apply neutralization + spice button (V-shape curve).

Pre-gain is applied at all times, which is good as there will be no volume jumps (DSP on/off). This software was conceived to be used in studios. Tools are tools, right?


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