Well, it’s been a while since my last time here, I was trying somethings, some earbuds and a headphones, there where in the cheap end of things, I was just trying to listen to things and try to put them in context…
From the earbuds (there were a TWS earbuds from amazon, can get a link for the specific ones), since i still trying to get sound in context i don’t fell like doing a review of them, specifically 'cause it would not be that good and objective, however, i find my self in some trouble with those earbuds, the principal one is when i use them, i have to kind force them in my ear, but they slip out (or like they star slowly coming out), and it’s so uncomfortable and frustrating to have to put them in place like each song, and something that make it worse is the fact that when i touch them, they stop the music…
having to do that is so time wasting and so stressing that i have to stop using them within minutes…
Don’t know if changing the tips by other’s since the one it have are plastic, hope i can get some thought on that, other thing is that one of the pair don’t “fit properly” in my ear, i think it’s just my ear shape but still want some opinions on that, just to position my thought’s on earbuds.
The headphones in the other hand, i’ve been using a peohzarr model: AB078,
, there’s a like to the ones i talk about, there are close-back i think and they work perfect exposing the fact they told me of the sound close-back headphone generate itself, other than that in the sound quality they have way too much bass, like way too much, the vocals lose somethings in the loudy bass, i would like to get some thought if someone know those headphones (which don’t think would be the case) or some like it, that can get me some feedback on the sound quality and how i could place the sound it produce, i mean, like if the mids are bad o acceptable or if the highs are a joke or acceptable. They have what i describe like regular pads, they are kind comfortable but the material don’t feel durable and it look like it could get stinky with time, it give me something if been looking for a while (not in the way or quality i was thinking but it’s something…) which is isolation, if i’m in my room i can’t hear what’s happening in the living or the next room which is awesome. The arch or headband, not sure how it is call, well it’s just some aluminium wrapped with some foam-like material. The cable is made of a cloth-like material, was wondering if that’s durable… but that’s my thought, wish i could let more info on the sound but well…
I’m just trying to get some context of the sound i’m hearing and of course, i know those gears are not the best but i get something i can afford (at the moment) and something to star with.
I thank in advice whoever can give some thought/opinions and help to improve.