The Objective, Subjective & Dejected Thread

What a wonderful thread I have missed during the past day of MAXIMUM ALLERGY. Objectively, what’s the difference between a rain of water and one of tree pollen? Subjectively, the latter made me want to open my skull like a Monty Python animation and fill it with antihistamine. Dejectedly, I can’t really listen to music on headphones because one of my ears won’t clear the 35 PSI mucous.

I love to hear about recovering audiophiles. And any other tales of woe. I’m a recovering word weenie. and it does me good to see so many of us writing DACs as the plural of DAC and avoiding the gratuitious apostrophe “DAC’s”.

Subjectively I made the internal connection between DACs and DTDs. This is because I have been unable to completely stamp out the urge to be a word weenie and well, Robin Cover - probably the Jungian archetype of word weenies wrote a treatise on plurals and apostrophes. I point you to its magnificence below. Has nothing to do with audio, but I made a subjective connection, objectively non-rational, and will be dejected if nobody peeks.

My excuse is that I’m still full of antihistamines…