I will. In fact, I just opened a thread for Spirit Torino and posted my first impressions of the Radiante:
Spirit Torino headphones - Headphone/DAC/DAP/Amp Brands - The HEADPHONE Community
As for the Super Leggera, those and the Radiante were my immediate favourites. I did not find my pair to be bassy at all, on the contrary - they are rather neutral and open sounding with lots and lots of detail and very good midrange (voices) and treble. I believe they just iterated the design/tuning and maybe I got a pair of the new ones.
I am using Burson DAC/amps and Cayin DAPs and so far no sibilance or bassyness at all. (I am very treble sensitive myself) Talking about bass, the Radiante knocks it out of the park. But even here - still lots of control and detail. But of course all that is subjective.