Your Top 5 Favourite Headphones

My list is ranked, best on down …

  1. RAAL-requisite SR1a - by far the best headphone listening experience I’ve had (which includes every flagship I’m aware of, including the AIO electrostatic systems).

  2. ZME Vérité - gorgeous, readily tunable (w/ pad swaps) and the easiest, and most reliable, way I know of to simply lose oneself in the music.

  3. LB-Acoustics MySphere 3.2 - closest I can get to the SR1a and still use a conventional amplifier or (trans)portable source.

  4. Focal Utopia - the best overall conventional dynamic-driver headphone I know of - with a slight technical edge over the Vérité but yielding to the ZMF model for raw enjoyment.

  5. JPS Labs Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC - the fastest, most enjoyable and visceral planar-dynamic headphone I’ve heard, fun-tuning (if a bit hot at times), but fussy to live with.

More detailed versions of the one-sentence summaries, there, can be found here.

I own all of the above, among others, except the Abyss now (had the Phi CC and all prior versions), but decided to skip the TC and see what comes next from Joe.

Honorable mentions would include the HEDDphone - for daring to do something new, largely pulling it off, and posing the question for almost everything anywhere near its price … “Why bother?” And the venerable HD6XX for going on between 17 (HD650) and 23 years (HD600) and still, overall, handily bitch-slapping so much of what’s been released since then - even units at much higher prices.