All things Qobuz - Q&A

I often find new music by looking at, which is an aggregator of music reviews by various music blogs. No Spotify playlists, just reviews, so I would then need to see if there’s anything on Youtube to see if I like the band. Hmm, I think I’m talking myself into subscribing to a streaming service.


Thanks for the great list! I’ll start looking through the links today.

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I can give back a little - I found that is focused on electronica. It’s a freemium low-res streaming service that has lots of categories and playlists. They don’t have spotify links but you can let it play in the background and take note of anything that strikes you.

There are also sister sites for different genres - jazz, classical, rock and ‘zen’ (relax/sleep/study).

Your bandcamp link is a real find. I’ve already found music to add to my collection on Tidal.

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I’m glad you’re finding good stuff - bandcamp can be wonderful for its sheer scale and diversity, and bandcamp can be awful for its sheer scale and diversity. It definitely needs curation!

Thank you for the suggestion, it looks great!


Not sure when this was rolled out (am I late to the party?) but I noticed Qobuz on Windows has dark mode finally! :dark_sunglasses:


I received an email from Qobuz today reminding me that I can save $29 a year on my subscription by paying for it annually, and that I can sign up for an annual plan at any time.

I suspect Apple’s new lossless is the cause for their concern; I’m sticking with Qobuz, though. It’s been a great service, the sound quality is excellent, the catalogue is now really very good, I like the interface, and I’d like to support one of the smaller companies out there, especially one said to pay artists more than some of the other streaming services (I don’t know how reliable the data on payments per stream is, though).


I hear that!

Another selling point is being able to use roon with it.

Occasionally there’s a song or two that isn’t available on qobuz, but most of the time it’s there.

I think the only thing that would pull me to Apple down the road is/if they bring airplay to their wireless devices (airpods etc.). But I’d probably still keep my qobuz subscription, unless I find myself not using roon…


Just got an email from Qobuz saying the price for Studio Sublime has dropped to $179.99. It was $249.99 and was/is worth every penny.


New Pricing

Like @pyrexia I also recieved a price reduction email today:

Qobuz has always been an advocate for high quality sound. Today our prices and offers are evolving to make the Qobuz music listening experience even more accessible.

The cost of your Studio Premier subscription has changed to $129.99/year .

This change will take effect on your next renewal date, June 12, 2022 . Your subscription details will be updated simultaneously in your account.

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Thank you Apple Music! :grin:


If you buy digital music and stream (esp with Roon) music, Sublime is now a great deal imho.

I’m not forgetting about Bandcamp here, but they don’t have everything.

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I believe Qobuz had a price drop to $129 per year or 10.75 per month today!

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Now time for Tidal to drop their prices too!! haha.

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I mean, do we even really care? With Qobuz, Amazon, & Apple all offering high res streaming what even is the point of Tidal?

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Exclusives from Jay-Z?

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I do since I use it, I’m sure others do too. I get some people hate it for reasons real or imagined by group think but to each their own. This thread is about Qobuz so I’ll give it rest at that. :slight_smile:

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that’s a bit aggressive, no?

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Nope… wasn’t being aggressive.

Anyway, glad to see price competition making hi res more affordable hope it continues to all the providers.


I think Tidal had a bit better search and browse organization than Qobuz. At one time they had more music in areas I liked.


FYI: is a non secure ad driven site. The real Internet Archive site is: