DanaTone Head-Space Solid State Headphone Amplifier

I wasn’t sure where to put this so I decided to start a new topic.

If you have any interest, I got to spend some time with the DanaTone Head-Space HP amp (from the developer of the Danacable line of soup to nuts cables for audio systems. I did some listening comparisons with my XI Audio Formula S & Powerman and my RAAL HSA-1b using my HD800, 1266Phi, and RAAL SR1a.

It’s kinda long-winded (as I usually am, LOL) and I thought a link might be the best way to let anyone interested, know. There’s a short (?) version followed by a long version. (I can’t stop laughing at myself :laughing:)

I was fortunate to get the opportunity to play with the Head-Space, but sometimes the fun never stops.

The Head-Space was sent back to me along with a brand spankin’ new Susvara and Danacable Nirvana cable to tie’em together and to add to my previous evaluation. (All 3 pieces are loaners although even after a brief listen Susvara will likely be my 4th and final (?) reference phone until somebody comes out with something completely different and not just a variation on a theme sound-wise). I’ll be burning /playing music 16 hours a day for the next week and listening a couple hours each day to give the Susvara manual its due with respect to 150 hours of break-in. Only 8 hours total on them so far (well 14 now as I look at the clock). Super comfy, took me all of 60 seconds to get the Susvara to fit right and I don’t foresee any fiddling going forward. 3 continuous hours on my head I swear my ears are cooler inside the Susvara’s ear pocket than with my HD800 or 1266Phi. Also strange, the Nirvana HP cable for the Susvara, a headphone cable that weights almost as much as the headphone! I do plan to burn and listen to the stock 4 pin cable as well.

Just as the Formula S / Powerman combo has a tie in to the Abyss 1266 series headphones, I believe the Head-Space has a tie in to the Susvara.
