Discussion surrounding reviewer incentives, sales, and other issues

Thank you for the clarity.
But I still think, with respect, that it is a missed opportunity. In my case for exemple, I decided (after waiting for some time) against buying the VC (even though I love the build), when I was on the market for HPs, only because Andrew did not review it.
I am sure that some of us who are familiar with (and trust) the review process of Andrew, may end up taking zmfs off of our shopping list without him reviewing them. Not because it is inferior to other products ( maybe it is even better). but because some of us wouldn’t trust (or are not familiar) with the review process of other reviewers.

(On a side note, if the companies that are in the same situation as zmf refuse to share with @Resolve It makes his perimeter norrower giving the circumstances. Too bad for us ; potential customers.)