Hello all. I’ve lurked here for a bit but this is my first post. I thought I’d introduce myself with a simple mod I did.
I live in California, and work as an IT analyst. I am by no means an expert in any aspect of audio, much less headphones. Who doesn’t love good sound quality though?
Below is the first mod I’ve ever done on headphones. My girlfriend has worked in a studio for nearly 20 years. Her current pair of Sony MDR-7506 had clearly seen better days:
The permanently-attached curly cable had become hopelessly tangled and distorted. The cable connecting left and right driver was fraying and causing all sorts of sound quality issues. The ear cups were quite worn too:
Since she needs the headphones for her job, and I wasn’t entirely sure I could do what I wanted without destroying the headphones, I ended up buying her a new pair of MDRs to use while I worked on these.
My goals were simple:
- Get rid of the annoying curly cable, which acts as a weight and an annoyance
- Wire left and right drivers independently, purely for bragging rights
- Fix the cups
- Leave the unit in a state where future maintenance will be much easier and less “risky”
I am quite bad at soldering. Though I have some high quality Mogami cable and Neutrik jacks/plugs in my supply box, I would never try to “roll my own” for a production unit. So I had to sacrifice some of the fun of doing that in the name of practicality. I bought a few of these Tensility 3.5mm female to 3.5mm female cables, and these Brainwavz cups:
The MDRs are quite easy to disassemble - pop the cups off, and 4 basic phillips screws stand between you and the driver:
I don’t have any “in progress” pictures of the rest, but the basic process went like this:
- Desolder existing wires. Remove the cable connecting left/right drivers
- Cut those Tensility in half. Cut them down to size, and strip/silver the wires that will connect to the drivers
- Drill a hole in the right housing for the new cabling to pass through. Make sure it’s in line with the existing hole on the left one
- Apply a nifty nylon sheathing and heatshrink to the new assemblies
- Solder into drivers, reassmble unit
- Apply the new cups
- Enjoy
The end result is hardly world-changing, but nice nonetheless:
I probably made the new assemblies a bit too long, but still, these will never get tangled. They require an additional cable to work, but replacing that when it gets worn is simple. They can also be driven on a balanced amp now!
I had enough fun fixing hers that I ended up doing the same thing to my own, with different cups, and fun colors on the sheathing/heatshrink:
(I also blacked-out the housing with some enamel, as you can see)
That’s about it! The Sony MDR-7506 is far from the nicest set of headphones, but they’re a studio standard and a solid workhorse. She swears they even sound better. I’d attribute it to the Tensility cables being higher quality than Sony’s factory-standard, but it’s probably just her being biased. 
Thanks for reading!