I am going off memory, but the 1/4” output is the preferred with most planers (Susvara type exceptions)when set to low and -6dB for the lowest output impedance, and there is something that keeps the current for planar headphones more consistent. I may be butchering that explanation, but it was said I believe from the man himself, and confirmed by others in another forum.
Based off listening impressions, that’s correct. I’ve also read that somewhere.
Before reading this, I experimented all morning and arrived at the same for the D8K Pro: 1/4 inch, Low TRS and -6db. Less noise floor, and more vibrant. And slams like a fucking mule.
Was it assumed to be only higher impedance dynamics? I never got that impression, and know the dynamic headphone Mr. North uses to tune the amps is not a high impedance dynamic but an average impedance dynamic.
Maybe not assumed, but if I remember correctly, I have read some folks dismiss this amp for planars. What is on my head now suggests that is ill informed.
Not that I knew of, just how some did dismiss it for planars and some who think tubes are only best for higher impedance. I think this was prob from many who just assume headphones like Senns work best.
Yeah the K1000 is on the amp for a reason haha.
I am definitely one of them that dismiss it with planar headphones, only because I have solid state amps which work better for those headphones over the DNA. For me planar headphones feel slower, less airy, and overall not as enjoyable when I have a perfectly find solid state on the rack to get those drivers moving. I have had exceptions where this was not the case, such as the EC Studio B, which definitely gave the planar the speed and other traits I hear off a solid state.
One exception I experienced was the LCD-4, and I can’t explain why it seemed to be more preferable to me off the DNA than a solid state. In my head the 200 ohm rating has to be related to this, or to the current draw needed is a lot less than say something like the RAD-0 with 29 Ohms and nearly 3 times the current draw. There has to be an engineering explanation, I just don’t have that background. I tried several “easy” to drive planar headphones and in every case I liked it better off a solid state.
We all like what we like, and what I am sharing is by no means gospel. Only what I preferred, and likely my justification for extra amps
Can I get an “Amen”!? (gospel reference).
I just did a comparison late last night (early today actually) of the D8K pro out of the Maximus, the Stratus, Topping DX7, and Gjlarrhorn.
In all fairness, the Gjallarhorn was the “best”. It felt like the drivers were tied up like an leather clad, rope bound, S&M hottie begging for more. It is crazy how good that almost free amp is as a headphone amp. BUT, the Stratus was second in line over all and for some things like vocal timbre it was easily my favorite.
Point: The Stratus works great for D8K Pro. IMO.
For the HD800s, there is no conversation to be had at all.
Caldera sounds great on Stellaris, too. I don’t have a comparably high-end solid state amp on hand to compare with at the moment (working on that), but in a vacuum there is nothing about Stellaris that ‘doesn’t work’ with a higher impedance planar like Caldera.
Hum… I find Caldera has better dynamics with (some) solid state amps (Ferrum Oor, Mjolnir 3) than with Stellaris. OTOH, I prefer Stellaris for ZMF dynamics (Atrium, Verité).
I like both the Stealth and Expanse on the Stellaris (Donald mentioned he had good reports on both these). Calderas were fine, but I preferred them on the Aficionado.
I’m in the camp of Dynamics on the DNA and Planars on the Envy, but there is definitely a difference between the Stellaris and the Stratus. Both amazing amps.
I should probably note here that a few months ago I added Holo Bliss to my rig and have found that I greatly prefer Caldera on Bliss over Stellaris. It sounds “great” on both, but the cleaner sharper power of solid state seems to work better in this case.
Perplexingly, I find Stellaris to work surprisingly well with Susvara. I may even prefer it over Bliss, which I’m sure makes most people think I am quite mad. lol Wouldn’t be the first time.
Same here. My ratings:
Stellaris: Utopia > Atrium >> Caldera
Bliss: Caldera > Atrium > Utopia
Anyone else tried a G73-R in a DNA amp? I got this Starlett a few days ago, and thought the sound was great, but too vague/soft/hazy, without much definition and a very peaky upper midrange. At least compared with my ZMF Pendant SE. Now it’s the best I’ve ever heard my Auteur Classics. Impact, detail, imaging, stage, they all got a HUGE boost. Highly, highly recommended! Now onto changing the rectifier…
Nice! If you’re lucky enough to have a G73-R on-hand (or are made of money), it’s good to know this is an upgrade worth pursuing.
Absolutely. I also have a black and red label here with me, and definitely preferred the red label. Which is nice since those are the only ones available on eBay anymore. It added some additional quickness, punch, and dynamism vs the black label that the Starlett lacks compared with the Pendant.