Fiio FT-1 Pro Measurements & Official Discussion

This is the place to discuss all things to do with the Fiio FT-1 Pro, which is a $200 open back planar magnetic headphone.

Fiio were kind enough to send DMS and I each a unit for review, which we’ll be working on soon.

In the meantime, here are the measurements:

Frequency response (HpTF variation)

Resolve Unit (GRAS KB50XX and B&K 5128)

DMS Unit (GRAS KB50XX and B&K 4128c)

What is this? This indicates the headphone’s behavior variation across different heads and ears, providing a better indication of how they are likely to vary across human heads as well - absent other factors like leakage effects from glasses for example.

Why is this? We have a video on the channel explaining why this type of visualization is likely necessary for headphone measurements. This should ideally evolve the more heads and ears we can test these products on, but the older paradigm of showing a single line on a graph to indicate headphone performance is insufficient.


Resolve Unit

DMS Unit


  • Sensitivity - 95dB/mW@1kHz
  • Impedance - 20 ohm

Channel matching

There are many factors that can contribute to channel balance issues, often the most significant of which is pad asymmetry. And, when you find such issues it usually looks worse than it sounds. But in this case I wanted to isolate the cause, so I measured them both in free air with the pads removed to eliminate that variable. Here’s what I got:

The drivers actually seem very well-matched, with the exception of that one scrungle around 4.5khz, which shows up as a fine-grained imbalance in practice with the pads back on.

While this isn’t likely to be all that perceptually relevant with music, you’d like to see better consistency here. I also expect the dip feature is the intended response, given DMS’s unit seems to also have that there.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: :point_right:The stuff that doesn’t matter unless it’s awful :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

Distortion at 94dB

Distortion at 104dB

Distortion at 110dB

Not the best performance for harmonic distortion - at least for a planar. It still won’t be audible with music under normal conditions, but boosting the bass to the high heavens may yield certain high order products creeping in. This is something to note and will limit its EQ potential.

NOTE: This driver does seem to be excursion limited, meaning if it is run past a certain volume threshold, it is likely to clip. Again, under normal conditions, this isn’t going to be an issue unless you are absolutely blasting it, but it also means that boosting the bass with EQ will reduce the volume threshold before it clips.

Driver Damping (Resonance frequency with an intentional air gap)

Minimal driver damping (noted by the width of the bass rise in the presence of a leak), and a low resonance frequency. Make no mistake, this is a very good result. They seem to have also incorporated an intentional leak into the design to get a slight bass rise even when coupled, which is very smart given the typical limitations of open back headphones in the bass.

Impedance Curve:

Excess group delay (checking for internal resonances):

No reason to care about time domain information here as it’s clearly minimum phase (behaving well) and therefore it’s all proportional to the FR.


  • For the price, I think this headphone has the potential to be very competitive with the other heavy hitters in that space - like the Edition XS and the HD 6XX. The tonality is actually somewhere in between the two.

  • Better bass extension than the HD6XX, still with a forward midrange character, at the cost of some emphasized lower treble harmonics, and the FT1 Pro loses out a bit in terms of smoothness and timbre (as do most headphones).

  • It’s actually very similar to the HiFiMAN Edition XS in that it has that midrange dip to a similar degree around 1.8khz. I do find the Edition XS to have a more balanced mid-treble presentation but also a bit more zingy in the upper treble, so it’s kind of a trade off there depending on what you’re looking for.

  • It is notably better than the FT5, and speaking of which, the Fiio headphone lineup can seem a bit odd. The FT1 is a dynamic driver closed-back headphone, the FT1 Pro is an open back planar and so there’s really not that much unifying the two other than the name.

  • Comfort is not bad, it’s not heavy like many planars are, coming in under 400g. I feel the headband could use a bit more padding underneath.

  • For its mechanical design, it has a really convenient pad swap system, so I’ll be trying that out with this one to see how it changes with different pad options. I have to stress… this headphone’s general design is my favorite thing about it, and I hope they do more with this.

  • Additionally, while the channel matching is mostly very good, it’s worth noting the driver-based feature on this unit around 4.5khz, and I’d like to see the QC ensure stuff like this doesn’t make it through - even if it’s not really noticeable with music. Also, note the driver excursion limits at high SPL, this is not going to be a candidate for boosting the bass to the high heavens.

  • Overall the FT1 Pro is a good platform with some excellent design choices, like using the low driver Fs to get a subtle bass lift, as well as the mechanical design in general. For $200 I’d have no problem recommending this. I find it to be a slightly more midrangey sounding Edition XS, just with a hint of excess energy in the upper mids and lower treble, depending on how you define that, and it may be exactly what folks who aren’t into the HiFiMAN designs are looking for. So take note… Fiio is doing interesting things in the over-ear space.


Why does it kinda come across that Fiio is trying to come in to eat the old guard of headphones’ lunch?

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My sense of things is that there are a lot of over-ear headphones coming out from brands that may have traditionally done IEMs or otherwise wouldn’t be playing in this space, and most of them have not had much success or staying power in the market. These latest two Fiio offerings seem like they may buck that trend - particularly the closed back, since competent closed backs are rare.

Like… does anyone remember the Goldplanar GL2000? I don’t hear anyone talking about that one anymore. Those types of products are a dime a dozen, and they have their several minutes of fame for one reason or another and then fall off the face of the earth. And the optimist in me feels it’s because they ultimately didn’t perform well enough along one dimension or another, and the community has moved on, replaced by more competent and better value offerings from the old guard.

That’s why these new ones feel like a bit of fresh air, given they seem to be competently produced, at a fair price, and even though it’s not a foregone conclusion… they stand a better chance of more long term success than any of the other upstarts. Time will tell.


Are there FT1 measurements on B&K 5128 in existence, by the way?

I’m trying to get DMS to send me his.


His pair of HP’s you mean? Hope this happens. Would be great to know your impressions on them as well.

Thank you for the answer!

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Ordered mine on aliexpress and they shipped the day before the preorder dropped here. I’m looking forward to them, you saying the “tonality is actually somewhere in between (the 6XX and Edition XS)” makes it seem like my ideal headphone.

How would you compare them with the Aune AR5000? Really hesitating between both of them to complete my setup. :sweat_smile:

My initial thoughts:

I’ve just spent 3 hours with the FT1 Pro and so far I’m impressed. I’m listening through a Qudelix 5k with the 3.5mm cable, and there’s no problem driving it. The bass is much better than I expected from an open back planar, with great sub-bass and impact. The midrange is impressive, with guitars sounding nice and meaty. There’s a nice weight to the notes. The high end is quite tame and controlled, making the headphones easy to listen to and non-fatiguing. They are quite comfortable, with particular praise going to the ear cushions which are very comfortable and don’t touch my large ears unlike pretty much every other headphone I own.

For headphones, I own a Grado GW100x, ATH M50x, Superlux 668B, and Bose NC700, and the FT1 Pro outperforms them all (which isn’t surprising for most listed). The main competitor here in my collection is the GW100X. The GW100x has less bass but more sparkly highs, which can be quite fun on certain tracks but fatiguing/lacking bass on others. The FT1 Pro has much better bass but doesn’t have the same sparkle; it’s a warm neutral headphone versus the bright Grado, to my ears at least. This translates to an easier listen and I feel I could have the FT1 Pro on for hours on end without my ears getting tired. The GW100x does have better soundstage with G pads installed however.

I also own the following IEMS: Truthear Hexa, Simgot EW300, KZ Castor Bass, KZ ZSR, Sony XB55AP, and Sony WF-1000XM4. Overall I think the FT1 Pro is my favourite listening device, as while others are better for certain tracks/genres (Grado for rock for example), the FT1 Pro are just really good at every genre which I’ve tried so far. No genre or track seems to be poor on these headphones - everything seems well balanced and nothing is left wanting.

I feel like these headphones are my endgame as I don’t have any desire to spend a ton of money on a singular headphone, and the FT1 Pro doesn’t leave me wanting anything more - at least nothing I’m willing to spend more money on. Are they perfect? No - personally I would a little more sparkle in the treble, the padding on the top of the headband could be a bit thicker, and the soundstage, while fine, could be wider for my preferences. But overall, for the $175 I paid, I’m extremely happy.


Does @Resolve consider the FT1 Pro to be overall more “Detailed” than the 6XX? I find these cheaper planar headphones very interesting.

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Not really, but it also depends on what you mean by ‘detailed’. Personally HD6XX > FT1 Pro for timbre, smoothness, natural sound. But FT1 Pro > 6XX for bass extension, ‘detail’, spaciousness. Take your pick really.


Great write up! What are your thoughts or preference between the FT1 and the FT1 Pro?

I’m very interested in comparing the FT1 Pro and the Aune AR5000.
Sounding, tuning, technics, and build quality/comfort ?

2 New Good priced headphones

Comfort: Aune AR5000 > FT1 Pro
Build: Aune AR5000 > FT1 Pro
Sound: Just preference, but I can see a case for either one. The FT1 Pro is probably more palatable to most people, but it’s also a bit more in your face.

Oh, for the price, the Aune is more durable, comfy and built.
For the sound, I don’t know the one I prefer if I can’t hear both.
The last thing is:
Is the FT1 Pro better technically than the Aune AR5000?

As in, measures better? Or the concept of ‘technicalities’. Because the latter isn’t real the way people think of it. Importantly, this is a uniquely subjective aspect of the experience that will be different for every person, and is not inherent to the product itself separate from what’s already measured.

based on the measurements on squiglink, it seems that the channel imbalance around 4-5k is not uncommon… it s not the same magnitude for all units there, but… that s a shame… hope they fix it for next batches


I’ve just seen the vid with DMS about it, and It really helped me.
Maybe not for me, I’ve got a little head like DMS and comfort is very important for me, I prefer to spend more money on a very qualitative product that I enjoy for everything.

Thanks !

Here are the measurements of the FT1 Pro using the ZMF Suede Universe pads (I believe). Done on the B&K 5128, relative to DF Harman 2018. This is averaged, note the driver channel issue I had above, so this could be better or worse depending on the intended result.

FWIW, I EQ it to end up being like this on the rig. Note that this is being played at normal volumes because boosting the bass up will reduce the volume threshold before the driver clips. I would caution you when it comes to playing it too loud, or boosting the bass too much.

I didn’t bother trying to fix that dip in the treble since it’s only really on one channel, so I’d have to do channel specific EQ to deal with that on this unit. I may still do it once I put a bit more time into it but at that point it’s unlikely to be useful to anyone but myself.

I personally like a bit less ear gain so I reduced that a bit. Could still use some refinement but everyone should do this to their taste/ears.


I’m new to all this but I’m currently pondering buying good mid-fi headphones. Up until now, I used IEMs, of which I really like the Hexa and the Dusk 2. Presently, I am torn beetween FT1 Pro, Sundara and HD600. I’m already using EQ and will do so in the future. So which of them is most recommendable? Will the FT1 Pro have and equally good timbre as the Sundara/HD600 if some its flaws in the FR are corrected via EQ? And will for example a Qudelix 5k adapter be sufficient to drive any of these? I plan to use them also while being outside or travelling. Best regards!