Fiio FT1 Measurements & Discussion

This is the place to discuss all things Fiio FT1 - the closed back. For the open back, head on over to the FT1 Pro thread.

I have DMS’s unit here with me right now and was able to measure it, both on the B&K 5128 and the official GRAS 43AG.

Fiio FT1 HpTF (B&K 5128, GRAS 43AG and B&K 4128c)

B&K 5128 Calibrated

B&K 5128 Raw

B&K 4128c Calibrated

B&K 4128c Raw

GRAS 43AG Calibrated


Interesting to note how the 5khz peak is stronger on the GRAS, but a bit lessened and shifted closer to 6khz on the 5128. This is kind of the point of Blaine’s CanJam presentation on non-HRTF related HpTF variation (rHpTF as he calls it).

Point being, the headphone’s behavior itself changes depending on the head and ears that it’s on, and showing results of the same headphone from these different fixtures, each with their own DFHRTF calibration is a good indication of that.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Less relevant data below :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

Harmonic Distortion

95dB @ 1khz

105dB @ 1khz

110dB @ 1khz

Nothing too out of the ordinary for moving coil headphones. It’s all mostly below 2% even at unrealistic volumes. You’ll go deaf before you hear any distortion products whatsoever with your music.

What about ringing and ‘internal resonances’?

This headphone is minimum phase, so there’s no reason to care about time domain information. It is all proportional to frequency response

Impedance curve

So this is definitely nonlinear impedance. Though not particularly high, I haven’t seen exactly that 2khz feature commonly. I’ll keep testing this. Most devices will run this just fine but there may be some odd interactions with ultra high output impedance amps, like certain tube designs.


  • Sound: Bass quality is exceptional on this one. Some of the best bass you’ll hear at any price point. I cannot stress this enough, it’s the perfect balance between impact and textural qualities, while not drowning anything else out.
  • The rest of it is also very good, but my nitpick here is that the treble isn’t quite right. It can sound a bit… dark at times, but then also punctuated excess lower treble harmonics that makes the treble sound a bit compressed overall.
  • Build is acceptable, the cups feel cheap but considerably better than its competition around its asking price. Like the K371 feels a lot worse in the hand. The headband creeks a bit but it’s fine.
  • Comfort is mostly okay, especially for those with smaller ears. I didn’t have any issues with the headband, but I really struggled with the pads after a while just because they’re a bit too small for me. Like the pad material and compliance is all totally fine, it’s just that the opening was too small for my larger than average ears. Most people will probably have no trouble with this, but if you have large ears, keep this in mind. I ended up swapping to some Yaxi pads and just doing EQ, purely for comfort reasons.

Overall, this is easily the best closed back at its price point. The K371 was good, but its tenure is seemingly now over, with the FT1 taking its spot as the default closed back recommendation under $200. In fact, while I have a few things to nitpick here, this reminds me a lot of my old Denon AH-D2000, which I loved. So I’m likely to buy this one and then see what I can do with pad swaps.


I’ve been looking for another closed wired headphone - love the sound of the AKG K371 and haven’t had any issues with its build (bought that because of @Chrono review), my only niggle is the microphonic cable which is almost impossible to avoid because of its exit angle.
DMS’s recent review of the FT1 has got me enthusiastic about that, probably the alternative at a slightly higher price point is the HD569 which I appreciated @listen_r thoughts on. I’m interested in help in the following:

  • I can’t find published 5128 measurements of the FT1, has measured it yet? Would love to see a comparison with the K371 and HD569 if possible.
  • For those who have compared any of these what are your thoughts? I really enjoy the K371 sound signature. I wear (thin) glasses so am probably getting slightly less bass than Harman and am happy with it, sometimes the treble is a tiny bit edgy, never annoying but probably could manage with slightly less around 5-7k. I wouldn’t complain about slightly more sub bass (i.e. <50hz).

Glad for any thoughts and especially pointers to measurement comparisons, especially 5128 if possible.
Thanks for the reviews and love watching the live streams (after the event!).


I have one and use with Moondrop Dawn Pro, I am satisfied.
You may like this review with measurements.


I was considering the Moondrops for the FT1. How is the bass with the Moondrops? Every dongle DAC I have tried so far has been neutral and very treble leaning.

You should look at the reviews

I think the FT1 can have good bass with anything…

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I have the Fosi Audio DS2’s and they are too trebely (yikes) for me. I want something warmer and with some more low end.

I had the K371s for a hot second and I like the FT1s way more. To be fair, I like bass and the bass is cleaner to me on the FT1s. The FT1s are more comfortable for me too, in comparison to the K371s.

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Look at Andy table at 16:51


Btw, the FiiO JA11 has Equalizer

That JA11 looks good but I think you can only do sound customizations on android. The Tanchjim might be interesting.

AFUL Snowy Night

My review is there too, and I recommended this Dongle to everyone.
As of now, I wouldn’t recommend getting one of these.

The sound is excellent but not for portable use. Two of them got damaged with me doing anything ever so slightly serious to them.

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Popped into Singapore this afternoon, no FT1’s to be found but had a listen to the Meze 99 Classic and Neo. Neo didn’t have enough sub bass for me but the Classic seemed good, actually better than I had expected based on reviews/measurements (in fact I hadn’t really been considering them at all). Will have to do more investigation.
Tried the HD620S, sounds good, comfortable and pretty solid, a tad deep bass light for me, but I think it just lacked a little sparkle up top. I did prefer the Azurys although they’re more sensitive so may have just been the higher volumes I was getting (did try to compensate for this). For me the Focals just look too ‘flashy’ and attention drawing :slight_smile:
I’m very tempted to just order the FT1.
Unfortunately also decided to check out “The Hangout”, took the chance to try the Dusk 2 and was so blown away I had to buy them on the spot.


DUY BUSK indeed. and yeah, the FT1 looks pretty good

Hey, I’m a basshead so I’d love your thoughts on the Meze 99 Classic vs Azurys, also curious if you know were the Classics the newer version

The 99’s were a ‘display/test’ set in the store and didn’t look new, so possibly were an older build. I’m not sure what the distinguishing features are of old/new sorry. I listened to them an hour or so apart so would be cautious about comparisons but thought they both reproduced the frequency range from sub-bass up in an apparently balanced way with no egregious issues. The Focal’s seemed quite efficient and produced higher volume levels off a dongle than the HD620S which I listened to at the same time.

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Haven’t had a chance to try or listen to the FT1 yet. But in case anyone missed it, DMS did a review and measurements (no raw in the video, just compensated :frowning: ) on his HBK 4128 rig, including comparisons to a couple other closed headphones, like the AKG K371 and Focal Azurys.

The FT1 also got some love in the staff’s picks for best new headphones of 2024.


This is exciting! I’ve been looking / waiting for these measurements. Seriously, this thing measures excellently for any headphone, never mind a completely consumer-friendly budget set.

Finally got my Fiio FT1 (beech) yesterday. I can already confidently state that the FT1 can Tool. :sunglasses:


Agreed. Great headphone.

What eq would you recommend for the Fiio FT1?

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