Here’s the GRAS measurement of the Elegia, and just as Oratory was saying on the live stream we did, it’s nearly impossible to get a consistent bass response on the measurement from these. You change positioning slightly and it just goes wild. But with that said, mids and treble look pretty close to how I hear it. I’ve seen some different measurements of it where it looks a bit more elevated in the treble as well but I think that could be for similar positional variance reasons.
So while it looks a bit weird and forward there in the mids, we do see some pinna gain, which is nice. It’s really just the upper mids that are a bit recessed. But I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I prefer the Elegia’s treble over that of the Clear. It’s a bit more relaxed and as a result a bit more smooth.
Now I’ve also change my EQ setup for this a bit, and it’s still currently a work in progress. But if anyone has an Elegia and is willing to try this, I’d welcome the feedback.
Normally I wouldn’t want to go so granular for the EQ but since I’m not really adjusting much in the treble, this may end up being appropriate.