Fostex ESX900?

Anyone have any experience with or know anything about these? I’ve seen a few posts about them and am very intrigued.

Good headphones

It’s true, the upper heights are very, very pronounced … after an hour you have the feeling that you have to put the thing down when you mix. Because the feeling comes up to hear everything through cotton wool. The bass is very pronounced. Too much in my personal opinion. From 200 hearts I turned it down by 9 db to get the feeling of balance. The middle is there, but it comes across as a bit slack when you compare it with an AKG 812. Very nice headphones. Listening to music is a lot of fun. Determining volume ratios is unfortunately a bit difficult because everything sounds somehow dominant and you don’t get 100% served the whole package of a song. As with an AKG812 (only have it as a comparison), it sounded nice and warm, but unfortunately after a while it is a bit on the laces. If you like that go for it !!! Awesome part … If you really want to work sober … you should consider getting an analytical one that doesn’t sound so nice. But reveals what is really wrong in the frequency response. Too bad … would have really liked to keep it XD

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