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Yeah, it feels like the noire would be a lot like the hifiman sundara/arya/he6se with more present bass but not more impactful. The thing is, I would have been happy with any of those three if the bass had some impact. They sounded great otherwise.

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I haven’t heard all the HPs in your list. But my recommendation is easy: Verite Closed. Easily the best closed back I’ve ever heard.

Will it work w/bluetooth & mobile-type amping? No idea. This is, after all, a 300 ohm headphone.

BTW, my friend just finished w/a closed back of novel design (just launching) with bass he described as “sensational.” I can find out more if you want. I know it would be way under $2K…


Yes, I heard the Eikon at great length over the years. Many weeks’ loan of my friend’s cherry Eikon; then I got my own (padauk). That was one gorgeous headphone with stunning sound.

But the VC is on a higher plane sonically. As good as the Eikon is (and when it’s good, it’s extremely good), it had a few flaws. All is different on the VC, which manages to be even more dynamic & detailed than the Eikon, but w/slightly more tamed upper mids. Just my 2 cents…

BTW, the headphone I referred to earlier is the ESX900. Basically it’s Fostex TH900, very heavily modded by people who know what they’re doing. My friend just had these on loan & is mightily impressed. He, like me, has heard the Verite Closed at length; and owned an Eikon. We’re both relatively treble-averse and huge fans of the ZMF “house sound” – and he’s impressed. ESX900 Impressions: Slamhead’s Delight | Super Best Audio Friends


ESX900 look interesting. But, they probably represent greater risk than ZMF. It feels like something I would try if other stuff, including ZMF, on the list didn’t workout.

Very cool though. I would love to hear them.

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I’m urging my friend to write about his impressions of the ESX900.

He’s not crazy about writing this kind of stuff, but I always found his perceptions to be very insightful, different from my own, things I can learn from.

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I love everyone’s stories. Professional or amateur. The more context the better.

I bought a set of Noire a few weeks ago for use with my new AK SE200 DAP. I really like the Noire. I also have a set of Aeon Flow Closed (version 1). The Noire make great music and are very comfortable. Noire is definitely an upgrade from the original version. I’m having a balanced cable (Arctic Cables) being made to accomodate the 2.5mm balanced output on the DAP.

Purchased both items from the nice people at


The noire seems like just about the ideal candidate to scratch that planar itch if I still need it to be closed. The mobius kind of provide that for me, but they just fall short of wowing me. Great headphones for practicality, but not for sound I just want to sit back and listen to.

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If the ZMF Ori were still being made, I’d recommend that in a heartbeat. That was my first planar, and in many ways the most satisfying. It has endgame bass & high mid-fi everything else + amazing soundstaging for a closed-back (and a planar).

When I realized that closed back designs tend to aggravate my migraine & tinnitus (luckily the Ori doesn’t do this), I embarked on what I thought would be an easy search for a high-quality open-back planar that would at least equal the Ori. After the pre-fazor LCD-2.1, pf LCD-3, HEX v2, Empyrean, and Kennerton Odin (all since sold or about to be sold), I’m still looking for that.

Got a gently used AFO a couple weeks ago, and this humble, less expensive design is a good listen & a keeper, though it doesn’t equal the Ori in any real way.


Did you say Ori?!! Reading this, makes me miss my Ori quite a bit. They are the definition of “Musical”, and I sure enjoyed the heck out of mine, when I had a pair. I can only imagine how they would sound on my new amp the RH-5, and I think I am going to have to try and find another pair. . .Thanks for mentioning them brother!



Sorry to ask a thorny personal question: but why on earth did you sell your Ori? If I knew the answer, I’ve forgotten it…

I almost never see them come up F.S. – and tragically, ZMF no longer makes them. So my Ori will have to be pried loose from my cold, dead hands (to paraphrase NRA).

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Well, it was time for an amp upgrade and my Ori was collecting dust not getting used enough. So it did not make the cut. The money I made from the Ori, went toward the ZMF Pendant SE, and as much as I love the Ori, I do prefer my VC, Atticus, and Aeolus and can’t wait to hear them hooked up the Pendant SE (being built).


Well, you’re obviously on a good path there. The VC is pretty amazing.

Just heard my first Pendant recently (standard build, not SE) and was wowwed. Very fine tube amp there–has tube sound as well as many qualities usually reserved for SS (dynamic impact & bass in particular).


Bluetooth headphones Recommendations
Can I ask experts about recommendations for quality headphones for PC and mobile phone at an affordable price? Preferences in order of importance:

  • sound quality
  • Bluetooth + cable (disconnecting)
  • Integrated call microphone
  • convenience
  • closed, around ears
  • price for performance

Thanks for the reactions


The Noire’s are very much mid recessed. The bass extension and accuracy are great, and the treble is wonderful as well, but they do lack some punch.

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What is an affordable price to you?

You have to cut your choices at some point and I believe a good alternative can be this:

  1. Bass presence, sound signature oriented to “V shaped” (not actually and fully V shaped), planar kind of sound, great comfort and portability > DCA Noire
  2. Puch and slam, all rounder headphone, very comfortable, home listening headphones > Verité Closed.
    You can go for Focal Radiance on the dynamic driver side too which can be a compromise (read: lose something from both 1 and 2 alternative) between alternative 1 and 2: good punch and slam, more bass oriented, comfortable and still portable even if larger that a DCA Noire.
    These are the three headphones you mentioned that I know first hand and that can fit your needs.
    I hope this helps.
    Anyway think that whatever way you go you’re into very good headphones and once you know what you get and what you lose by chasing one you won’t regret your choice.

The verite closed is the most I will pay ($2500 new). And I would prefer not to pay that much. Secondary issue is amping as I need to be portable frequently.


What do you plan on running the headphones on from when portable?

This cuts my reply above to Focal Radiace.
DCA Noire need power to sound good.
You can easily drive the Radiance with a good portable device and pack them in the Focal case which isn’t as small as Noire’s one but still portable.

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