If anyone is interested Drop has the Gustard R26 R2R DAC for $1,485…
I would make sure they’re an authorized dealer for them or Gustard will recognize any service requests, etc. Drop has a shady past with certain audio equipment/headphones.
Hopefully this is legit and it works out for any potential buyers.
Unfortunately all that is true…
I’d also recommend contacting Gustard directly and asking them if they’ll honor warranty issues, and maybe Drop as well.
I was interested in the Campfire Audio Dorado when Drop had them at one point, and checked with Drop. Crickets, no response.
However Campfire said they honor their warranty even if purchased from Drop, so bravo to them!
Anyway, caveat emptor.
Drop is as shady as they get. Not worth the savings over retail. Zero support from DROP after the fact and I am not completely confident that Drop is selling factory 1st. I wonder if they are selling factory seconds or reconfigured product with cheaper parts. Regardless spend your $$$ with a reputable audio dealer and I would bet if they knew that drop was offering this at $1485 they would price match without issue. With all that being said I love my R26, great DAC.