It is one of my favorites!!! I’m kind of a RootBeer lover lol… love old school ones made with real sugar =)
On topic…Stream of conscious post incoming!
The HEDDphone is…unique… It is very power-hungry! it sounds good off the Cayin DAP, but, it really sounds much better with the Phonitor XE…but I had to mess with the line out dBu on the ADI-2DAC, I currently have it at +13…with the Phonitor volume at about 11am on the knob. I will need to mess with the ADI-2DAC settings to get it dialed in more…not EQ but line out settings =)
Ok, sound…at first I was just like…hmm…reminds me of a much better version of the HD800…I am going to stick with that for now…but, after listening for a bit longer, I am surprised at the stage and imaging… speed…it’s impressive. To me it has something in the highs that isn’t sitting with me on certain tracks, it comes off shouty… but that could be due to mastering of the track… these are some pretty impressive headphones…
They kind of have a bass lite feel to them…but it is odd, as it also seems to me like it has good “impact” lol… I like these the most so far with live music, or orchestra/jazz/classical/band…etc…
Comfort is not bad actually…I think @Resolve nailed the description here… they are pretty dang comfortable, but, very big… and they leak sound, but no worse than other open backs.
I find myself having to volume control a lot between random tracks on Qobuz…nothing to bad, but, on occasion can be painful beginning to a new track…
Man…Live music/acoustic music is on these!!! OOHHH…and well-mastered tracks! I’m brain-burning on these… getting it, getting it… I’ve been searching for a Planar to add to my collection that isn’t a gaming headphone, and these just might be that ticket! Wow! Detail, imaging, stage… these are what I wanted my HD800 to sound like.
hmm…bass is still an interesting bit… it isn’t quite lite, but, is missing something, not in a bad way mind you… it just feels like it should have more Impact? I think this is contradicting myself from earlier lol but, I can’t quite put my finger on the bass aspect…it sounds good, I think it is the impact that is missing…as the sound is there but the impact seems to be missing? (Impact to me: is the visceral thud feeling of bass). So, hmm… I think that is it, ok, now that I think I’ve figured that out I can move on
These have a great presentation, but, can be shouty at higher volumes. I think that a certain @pwjazz would love these lol…
Crisp, clean, accurate, comes to mind… oh…Wandering by Yosi Horikawa just came on…that is intense… one of the best presentations of this track I’ve heard! Oh man, drums sound epic on these!
This was a great listen… damn… I think I’ve been listening to the SR1A too much as it colored my initial impression of these… not gonna lie…was not that impressed initially…but now… brain feels burnt in a bit… I’m picking up the details and nuance, these are good.
I think the only cons I can think of so far to my ears:
Can get shouty at higher volumes (80-95db) depending on the track
bass has at least to my ears a lack of Impact that defies the bass sound/quality (I’m struggling to find the right word here…)
ok back to conscious streaming
vocals are also pretty damn good… I think this reminds me more of the Utopia than the HD800, I would say it is more of a Utopia contender than an SR1a contender at this point…
man this track is another great track to test female vocals…intense
Ha, this next track is one of my favorites, and it sounds excellent with the HEDDphone
Ok, I need to revisit the bass dealio… just to be clear it is good! But, it is missing that visceral feel at times…
These are exceptional…there I said it… at this point, they are the best sounding Planar(ish) I’ve personally heard. These are monsters… please don’t feed them poor quality food they will force-feed it back to you lol…
oh damn, this triggered an emotional reaction… damn
…damn… might have to end on that note… I’ll have to touch back with a comparison between these and the SR1A next…