Here are the measurements for the HiFiMAN Ananda Stealth:
EDIT - this is the SILVER Ananda, and this unit uses the NEO Supernano Diaphragm. Others have referred to this as Ananda V3.
B&K 5128:
As predicted, it’s mainly just brighter leaning than the previous Ananda (and dare I say a bit more peaky?).
What I did not expect is that it’s also got a bit more bass presence, on both measurement rigs. This is very likely due to an extremely slight leak - not on the rigs necessarily, because with the GRAS you can get a seal reasonably with the egg-shaped HiFiMANs. Instead I expect this to be a leak somewhere else, potentially with the cup/driver or between the chassis and the pads.
One other thing I noticed is that while the bass distortion is nice and controlled, I did measure some higher than normal harmonic distortion for 2nd and 3rd order products in the lower treble. They are below audible threshold with music, however it is something to note for folks really wanting to dive into to this with EQ.
For me, I think I prefer the Edition XS for its tonality. But subjectively everything good about the previous Ananda is good here too. So just think of it as a slightly brighter or more V-shaped sound signature.