Feb 20, 2021.
I’ve been using Sonimus SoEQ with Audirvana and I must say I love it and it’s a free plug-in. Is the one you’re using similar. Sorry, I forgot the name and can’t go back until I post.
CanOpener. Is that It?
May I please ask a question concerning Sundara’s?
There’s an eBay seller by the name of HIFIMAN OFFICIAL out of NY State. Would anyone here know if this seller is affiliated with Hifiman.com?
Why? Because on eBay PayPal 12 month-interest-free-payments can be used. On other sites it’s only 6-months.
Thank you.
In doubt if no one has infos about it contact HiFiman customer service and ask directly to them:
With Ebay always worth asking and checking.
Is this the Official Store you mentioned upon?
I did ask them first.
That’s the one I was referring to.
No problem. Better check.
Here’s Hifiman.com’s reply:
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us. The store “hifimanofficial” on eBay is our only official store on eBay, so don’t worry. Purchasing from any of our official online stores are all the same.
Hope this helps.
Always great customer service from HiFiMan.
Worth asking.
Could I ask for some cable recommendations?
Balanced and unbalanced…
If Balanced would an XLR Adapter be necessary?
How about the 4-pin connectors?
Periapt makes a very reasonable, high quality cable. I’ve been happy with the one for the Sundara, also for AKG. You can choose your own termination for it.
How about Audiophile Ninja?
Here’s a Spotify playlist of songs that I think sound particularly badass on the Sundara.
I’ll be adding music to this periodically. Feel free to send me suggestions
That’s pretty cool that you could send a playlist. Got 30 mins of uninterrupted listening. Only used about 1 minute though.
I thought by now someone would have posted a reply to my cable question. It’s ok. Just got my Sundara’s and I’m not impressed. No soundstage and no imaging. Ok. Been burning them in… so far 30 hours. Hifiman recommends 150 hrs.
Active experience this?
I am sorry, to see that you don’t like the sound of the Sundara!
The problem is likely the same as that of YouTuber’s Oluv.
He uses an Earstudio ES100 as a playback source and is surprised that the headphones do not reproduce bass and that the highs are too sharp. He does not believe that headphone amplifiers make any difference in the sound of headphones.
This is, with all due respect, a big mistake, because the Sundara in particular needs a bit of additional power, although the technical values do not necessarily suggest that.
I use the original cables, for example on my ifi Zen Dac / Can combination, my Rebel Amp, my Questyle and an SPL Amp, each with high gain and relatively high volume control settings.
The headphones sound “really“ very good and, for my taste, they sound technically above Sennheiser’s 600 series.
But if you want to have a decision about the cable, then it is the cable with the headphone connections of the second photo, paired with a 4.4, 2.5 or 4-pin connection on the amplifier side.
As a matter of fact I’m using the new Khadas Tone 2 Pro DAC/AMP. They dont have a soundstage and imaging isn’t there. Other than that the sound is fine. No complaints on the bass. Look. Im a Magnepan speaker guy.
I have had the Sundaras for a couple of months and I’m very happy with the imaging and soundstage.I am coming from the Hd6xx which is known for a narrow soundstage.I use the Topping E30 and L30 stack.