Hifiman Sundara Open-Back Planar Magnetic Headphones - Official Thread

Great. Maybe i got a bad pair

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Sundara are not the best for imagingā€¦ I think the Sennheiser 6x0 headphones actually can outperform the Hifimans here. What amp are you running those Sundara off of? They can benefit from some power as they are not very efficient (they get some more bass punch and a bit wider). I didnā€™t notice a ton of improvement with burn-in from mine.


DAC/AMP Khadas Tone 2 Pro. Itā€™s Full MQA and runs off of a power bank or computer.

Thank you very much. Iā€™ll check out

Nice! I have heard good things about the Khadas stuff. When I first demoed the Sundara at my local HiFi store I ran it off of my phone, their stack (which was a musical fidelity headphone AMP and DAC), a Dragonfly Red DAC, and a Chord Mojo. It was underpowered by my phone and the Dragonfly DAC, the Mojo (which is what I ended up buying for it) got it loud enough and was a noticeable improvement, and the Musical fidelity LX2 (which I wasnā€™t willing to buy due to the cost) was, again, a noticeable improvement. I think those cans benefit from lots of power! Either that or I just liked them on the warmer sourceā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how much power comes out of the Khadas but you could always try a Schiit magni 3+ with it.


Hi @mikecheck95 I just thought that I would give a nostalgic nod of the head to the often underated Dragonfly Red. I know that it has now been superceded by cheaper better measuring options, but at itā€™s release it was a great starting point for a lot of folk. It gave a real step up in quality at a time before I had a Dap. I remember it fondly.


Well, I also have a Topping e30. Last night I played both through my speaker system (Maggieā€™s) and even though the Khadas is MQA I preferred the e30. Why? Better imaging and instrument placement and more air around them. Now Iā€™m thinking of the L30.


Iā€™m listening to Coltrane last/posthumous records (Ascension, Kulu SĆ© Mama, Meditations, Sun Ship, Infinity) with Sundara. Itā€™s incredible how these headphones bring clarity to the intricate superposition of sounds in these pieces. Wonderful.


Sundara "Revised / Stealthā€ myth?

Serials with 7 digits vs 8 digits
7 digits are from 2020? 8 digits are from 2021?

Thank you very much

More than likely just an indication of how many have been sold. @Resolve recently re-measured a pair from our inventory that was delivered last month and there were no changes between it and the version he measured at the beginning of 2020.


At this point, @resolve must hold some kind of record for most measurements of the same headphone :wink:


Not sure about the serial numbers, but a community member sent one in from 2018 and it very obviously has the older pads on it, and they measure differently.

Old unit:

Unit from 2021 (they most likely made the change to the pads sometime in 2019):

And side by side. You can even see that on the newer one (right) the front part is thinner as well.

So, yeah itā€™s not a myth. Let the issue be put to rest.


I posted the same question on an Audio Enthusiast Group in the Philippines. Got one reply. It read:" There is no such thing as a Stealth revision.ā€ I replied with a screen shot of your Nov 20th post.

So here are pics of the Sundaraā€™s.

Top 7 digits S/N
Bottom 8 digits S/N

They look and sound the same to me.

One set is an open box purchase. They are less tight. (Maybe already burned in)

The other set is brand new. Much tighter and causes ear lobe to ā€œfall asleepā€. Fully burned in.


Hello all! Have followed the forum for a bit and dig the vibe yā€™all got, so thank youā€“

I just purchased a pair of Sundaraā€™s (which, for anyone interested, are run through a Khadas Tone 2 Pro as a DAC & Geshelli Erish, all balanced). I really enjoy these for all the positive qualities mentioned in this forum as well as Resolveā€™s review.

Originally, I had the intention of buying 2 sets of headphones, one planar and one dynamic, and Iā€™m still holding to that approach. In the sightlines are either the Focal Elex or the Focal Clear (original). Which of the two would you recommend as a pairing with the Hifiman Sundara (or another set I havenā€™t mentioned at or around the Clear price range)? Thanks for all your help, time and effort you put into the hobby =)


Both the headphones you mentioned are an upgrade from Sundara for sound quality.
Of the two the Elex cost you less and give you 95% of the performance that Clears can give you.
Check online discounts for the Clears OG since MG have been released and get the headphone that costs you less and matches your taste aesthetically.
As a complementary headphone to use with Sundara Iā€™d take a look to Sennheiser HD6XX or HD660s.
They give you exactly what Sundara doesnā€™t and make a very good couple with them.


Awesome, thank you! I wouldnā€™t mind saving the money, but if you had to choose between the HD6XX & HD660s, would you have a preference or is it a coin flip?


Actually two different headphones. Iā€™m enjoying a lot my HD660s but your choice depends on your system synergy, on the music you listen to and on your tastes. Since weā€™re talking in general I believe that the 6XX are a better value for the money.


You guys asked for it and PM @Resolve on the daily about it so he went ahead and measured one of the new April 2021 Sundaras. Let your questions be answered.


Can he measure it again just to be sure?