IEM eartips

“Round peg in an oval hole”

I have been on a quest to find comfortable eartips that seal well. I have tried just about every brand and material. The problem is (as I discovered from a laser-scan of my ear canals) that my ear canals are narrow ovals instead of round.

When I try to fit a small round eartip into my ear canal comfortably, it doesn’t seal. When I try a larger round eartip into my ear canal, it is difficult to get seated, and it becomes painful quite quickly, even the foam eartips have this effect.

So, I tried custom silicon sleeves, which work, but which make my IEMs stick out of my ears. Not the greatest look.

Then, I discovered something completely new, OVAL EARTIPS, from What a concept, for those of us with (narrow) oval ear canals. If you have had trouble finding a comfortable fit with a decent seal that you could wear for hours, this could be one answer for you to consider:

Now I have a comfortable fit, decent seal, and I can wear them all day. If this sounds like a commercial, I apologize. I am just so happy to have finally solved the problem of my weird ears.