So I’ve been on something of a quest for the best eartips - I’m lucky, at least, in that my daily drivers can all take the same size of tip and the ER2XR is…itself. I’m wondering if I missed anything in this list?
- Foam
- CFA Marshmallow
- 64 Audio Foam
- Comply (too many variants to list)
- Dekoni Bulletz
- Silicone
- Final Audio Type E
- 64 Audio Silicone
- SpinFit
- SpinFit double-flange
- Spiral Dots
- Hybrid
- Symbio W
- Not yet tried
- Spiral Dots++
- Shure Olive
While I’m here, quickie impressions!
CFA Marshmallow
Soft, porous, fast-rebound, foam; slightly sticky, but not in a bad way. Wasn’t up to the weight of the Solaris; works well with lighter IEMs although proper sizing is critical. L too large for my ear, M too small. Decent tradeoff if you want fast insertion and foam.
64 Audio Foam
Rigid, smooth, fast-rebound (slower than the Marshmallow) foam. Ripped relatively quickly.
Soft slow-rebound foam. Requires a bit of squishing before insertion. Fragile when removing.
Dekoni Bulletz
Very similar to the Comply but more durable. Faster rebound.
Final Audio Type E
Thin, light, and five sizes. Becomes slippery quickly with sweat. Seals great with my BA IEMs but not with my APEX/DD IEMs.
64 Audio Silicone
Fits almost flush with 64 Audio nozzles; good for a shallow fit but ultimately kept shifting in my ears.
Comfortable but never quite sealed perfectly for me.
SpinFit double-flange
As the regular SpinFits with the added bonus of irritating my ear - the inner flange is too small relative to the outer flange, I think, because it’s annoying in a way that the Etymotic tips aren’t.
Spiral Dots
Denser than the other silicone options (besides maybe the 64A); ultimately a little too shallow for my ears.
Symbio W
I really wanted to like these and can’t stand them. The outer coating becomes slick very quickly causing the entire tip to slide back out due to the pressure of the foam.
Currently I’m using the Dekoni Bulletz on my 64 Audio gear and trying to find the new pack of 64 Audio tips that I lost almost immediately after returning from Vancouver, WA. The Andromeda Gold is doing well enough with the Final Audio Type E tips.