Hey @Rhodey I’m going to swing by LTA this weekend. What headphones do you really recommend/like the MZ3 with?
I like my Verite Open. Haven’t tried the VC, maybe I’ll pick some up this November.
The Lcd3 you have may work well on it as well. I like my LCD 2.2 pf off it too. It’s pretty versatile.
Let me know your thoughts!
My mz2 works well with everything i throw at it.
Same here; haven’t experienced a ‘bad’ pairing with the MZ3. I have… Sennheiser HD 6XX, ZMF Aeolus, Audeze LCD2C, X Meze 99 Noir, Fostex THX00…to name a few. All good.
A match made in heaven with the Aeolus
Yeah my ebony Tr-x00 sounds really nice off of it as well. It’s really a jack of all trades amp. Kinda wild.
True, it’s up to $2200 with the upgrades especially the linear power supply. $1500 still seems like a relatively large gap to me compared to other companies such as ampsandsound, Decware, Feliks, Woo. DNA will soon have a similar large gap between the $2k Starlett, ~$4500 Stratus, and ~$6700 Stellaris if I recall.
Good to hear that you like your Orchid.
When I had a mz2 I liked the hd650 with it a lot. I’d like to get a mz3 or even another Mz2 down the road when they get a bit cheaper especially the mz3. Not a lot of them on the used market. Hopefully if they ever come out with a new version of the mz3 or a mz4 there will be a flood of mz3’s being sold at a bargain
Hope the mz4 isn’t too much better if that’s a thing on the horizon
I have been looking at the MZ3 for some months now, but the price tag is scary.
Congrats @Rhodey I am sure you are in for a treat with this amp.
The microzotl has some extremely silky smooth clarity. The detail is amazing and better than any other tube amp I’ve heard. Have fun! Great combo
It’s really good, but that’s also coming from someone who hasn’t heard other high-end tube amps. I enjoy it tho lol
Congrats, very nice! A comparison would be quite informative for the community.
SET DHT 300B tube rectified vs SET DHT 2A3 tube rectified vs OTL push pull solid state rectified.
What headphones are folks using with this unit? I had one in house for a while, and remember really liking it at shows, but wasn’t crazy impressed when it was here. Might have to get it back for review with my full suite of cans…
I enjoyed it with just about everything lol.
Sounded good with the HD800S, HD580 and HD650, fostex tr-x00 ebony, lcd 2.2 pf, Empyrean, Focal Stellia, Clear, Verite Open and Closed, and Porta pros lol. I’m sure there’s others that I’m missing.
A traditional high-end otl that’s more tubey may pair better with the hd800S and 600 series.
The only headphone of note I’ve used it with is the Focal Utopia. Depending on your sonic preferences, this could be an exceptional pairing, but there are particular elements that I feel other amps handle slightly better. I’ll do a more thorough post soon, and also link to it from this thread.
I have the MZ2 with LPS. I find LTA amps to be pretty versatile. They’ve capably driven RAD-0, VC, VO, Eikon, HD800 SDR, HD6XX, LCD-2.2 PF. It is also my favorite amp for the Empyrean, when compared side by side with Mogwai SE and Pendant OG.
If only it had more power… Who knows where I’d be…
Has anyone compared it with the Z10? I was wondering about that because of the increased power.