Live tonight

Live music tonight. St a local country club for a “Chase the Winter Blahs Away” evening. 15 piece big band. My neighbor sits in for a set - he plays jazz piano. We’re his guests.

They’re pretty good. So are some of the dancers, a skill that is beyond me.


The “®evolution of Steve Jobs” begins here, in Seattle, at McCaw Hall, in 7 minutes.

I am generally more of a classic-opera fan (and there I am a HUGE fan), than this contemporary stuff. But we’ll see.

Ironically while I generally cannot stand to look at Ashton Kutcher, I vastly preferred his “Jobs” portrayal than the typically excellent Fassbender in his “Steve Jobs” portrayal.

Really … I’m just anxious for “Carmen” in May …


Ahh, concert season has started… Last Sunday we heard Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro, Debussy’s Ibéria, and Bizet’s L’Arlésienne in Davies Hall in San Francisco.

The week before that we went to a smaller concert with a lot of Scandinavian music (Grieg, Alfén, Öst). I recorded that concert. I love Grieg’s From Holberg’s Time. Here’s my recording of it from that performance.