and one more thing, I feel like the sub bass performance of these headphones is not so good even with eq. The Arya Organic’s sub bass extends deeper and cleaner than these for over half of the price.
Are you getting a proper seal with the Empy? Try moving it around a bit, playing with placement. Also, if you wear glasses, take them off and see if it makes a difference.
It fits my head perfectly. I did eq +6db at 45hz lowshelf but the sub bass is still worse than a lot of much cheaper headphones. I don’t wear glass.
Yeah maybe it’s just the headphone, though I didn’t think the sub bass was terrible. What’s your chain?
Thats curious, I also have Arya Organic and Empyrean II, but subbass sounds deeper and cleaner on Empyrean II for me.
I’ll try it with a small first impression of the Emphy II.
What can you say, first you have the visual impression and this Sunset Boulevard Edition model looks great,
then you put this work of art on your head and it literally disappears because of it comfort.
And right from the first musical performance I played, this Can immediately shows his greatest strength:
this incredible space and stage.
Width, depth and height are enormous for headphones, and everything that is presented is crystal clear and precise.
Each instrument sends out wonderful reverb trails that are brought together in the depths of the room to create a fireworks display of sound.
Until yesterday the Sennheiser HD 800S was my first choice for classical music, but it has now found its match.
The thought that there were now headphones that could finally satisfactorily perform the more modern grandmasters on the huge stage made me try Pink Floyd next.
A band that I always prefer on my stereo system, as so far only very few headphones have been able to reproduce this gigantic sound experience reasonably well and can still reproduce the rather untalented voices of Waters & Gilmore acceptably.
How should I describe it when a grown man sits in his chair and has tears of joy in his eyes?
These qualities alone make these headphones stand out, plus there are many other things that make this can a “want to have” item among audiophiles.
First of all, it has to be emphasized that these headphones sound good on an Ifi Audio Gryphon, for example, and they scale excellently with every step up in the amplifier rabbithole.
Ultimately, the bass reproduction develops into very deep, clean and defined.
I’m also thrilled that it’s technically possible to reproduce a huge stage without cutting out your eardrums in the high frequencies.
(Hifiman, take this as an example).
Is this the best headphones ever?
Certainly not, but it is an excellent all-rounder with an outstanding stage performance that does not place too great demands on the upstream components.
I forgot to mention that I use the hybrid earpads with the Empyrean II. Maybe these will lift the subbass a little bit in comparison to the duo pads.
Best smile of the day so far.
Shame the rather talented Barrett left for a stint in the madhouse. Of course he was back out by the time that Division Bell was done.
I really like the esthetic of that edition of the Maze,
Is it the stock duo pads? For my ears, the Empyrean 2 only has more mid bass than the Organic, but the sub bass on the Organic extend deeper than the Emp2.
Like I said before, I use the hybrid pads, not the stock duo pads:
Bass is a little bit more lifted in comparison:
By the way:
Another limited edition
Empyrean II or Elite. If you had to choose between?
My favourite sound has been the D8000. Just not comfy enough for my noggign, so I guess whichever is closer to that than not?
Oh Empyrean 2 for sure, personally at least. But that’s if prioritize a more normal response. If you want something warmer, then maybe elite.
Well I love the D8000, that’s just right, and it’s definitely not “normal”
Need to find graph I can overlay Empy II, Elite and D8000
@Resolve Did you happen to measure the Empyrean II with the Angled Alcantara pads too? If so, could you post it or send me the .csv? To my ears the Angled Alcantara pads are excellent in their own way with an added bass shelf. I’d like to develop my own EQ preset for them.
I’m really enjoying these with both the Dou and Angled Alcantara pads based on my mood and music. It’s so quick and easy to switch pads, even in the dark. It’s like having two headphones.
I don’t recall. I believe I measured them with both. Maybe @listener can dig that out for you.
I have DMed him the data. You labeled them as “Suede” pads in our database but I assume that’s the angled Alcantara he’s referring to?
Resolve just ballin’ with a personal assistant
LOL, I would definitely enjoy having Listener as a personal assistant. A pocket professor warmpoo if you will.