Meze Audio 109 Pro - Official Discussion Thread

This is the official discussion thread to discuss the Meze Audio 109 Pro, a new dynamic open-back headphone from Meze Audio expected to be released September 15th, 2022. Priced at $799 USD.

OP post will be updated as more details come out.

ICYMI, here are @Resolve ‘s and DMS’ impressions of the 109 Pro when they tried it at Munich

Along with an interview with Antonio Meze around the 109 Pro

We’ll have units available at CanJam to listen to. Looking forward to everyone getting a chance to get these on their ears!


It’s listed at EU 671.43 at that link

I had spent some time with the final engineering sample at CanJam London and thought it was the best thing Meze’s ever made in terms of sound signature, tonality, build quality, and comfort all together:


I’m searching for a headphone to complement my Arya Stealth, and I wonder if this could be the one. Is a review, or at least measurements, coming soonish?

Embargoes get lifted on the 15th so I imagine you’ll be seeing some reviews and measurements come out then :wink:


All I can do is add praise for these headphones. I only listened to them for a short while in Munich but I really liked them and would love to spend more “in depth” time with them.


Thanks @taronlissimore

I’ll wait for you to put them on sale rather than buy them from the embargo breakers!

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Got the frequency response measurements for you guys!

Of course these are done on the GRAS 43AG with KB5000 pinna:

In general this is a pleasant tuning with a few colorations in various places but for the most part it’s got a reasonably even balance. The key thing that stood out for me was the upper treble air, as well as the slightly forward mid bass slope. So think of this as like mostly normal in a good way, with a touch of ‘fun’ character to it.

Just a note about the slightly ‘ragged’ treble response there, remember that the target is highly smoothed and it’s impossible to know how that HRTF interaction will be for any individual.

Also, it’s outstanding for comfort. Like I just love wearing this headphone, and it’s something I’m probably going to dive into with EQ and tweak to my taste (not that you have to) because I just want this thing on my head at all times.

For technical performance, this one is also reasonably good! Not quite on the level of the Focals, or some of the highly competitive planars like the HiFiMAN Ananda and Edition XS, but generally I find this one to be one of the more competitive Mezes for sound quality. I find it to be detailed, spacious, with a good sense of weight down low… Yeah there are a few things to nitpick but I think Meze did a great job with this one!

Here are the video impressions:


Well that’s the most planar, even Hifiman planar, tuning I’ve seen out of a dynamic set. No wonder I liked it a lot haha.


Thanks, @Resolve and DMS. Early days, I know, but what headphone in the mid-level price bracket ($500-$1,200) do you think the 109 Pro most resembles sonically?

I ask because I own three over-ear headphones – the Edition XS, HD 6XX and LCD-2C. The 6XX probably is welded to its stand. Doubt I’ll ever sell them. They’re not perfect, but their sound is just so dependable, reliable and predictable with so many genres. I can always count on them.

But I am considering selling either the XS or LCD-2C and buying either the LCD-X or the 109 Pro. I use light three-band analog EQ (JDS Labs Subjective 3) on the XS and LCD-2C, but both still have a few quirks that grate. Namely, the slightly thin mids and leaner bass of the XS and the forward mids and blunted treble of the LCD-2C.

Basically, I’m looking for the bass depth of the LCD-2C with the clarity and detail of the XS. Which of my two choices comes closest, the LCD-X or the 109 Pro? Or is there another option in the price range I should consider for an open-back?

Thanks, gents. Appreciate EVERYTHING you do. :+1:

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Maybe edition XS? It’s got a similar tonal balance, with a few differences. To be clear, the LCD-X 2021 is definitely more technical than the 109 pro. So if it’s between those two I’d personally go LCD-X 2021. But the 109 Pro is also a lot more comfortable.


Thanks for the feedback, man! :+1:

Meze Audio New 109 PRO with MIRCEA FANATAN Managing Director Live from CanJam SoCal 2022! Going live in 10!


Agreed. I have the Hifiman Edition XS and when I saw the 109 Pro frequency response I immediately thought how similar they were:

The 109 Pro looks like it has a bit more mid bass, interesting that the midrange dip is deeper than the HFM.


For me personally, this is the headphone of the year 2022.

Yes, there have been very good products from Focal, Audeze, Dan Clark and Hifiman, most of which are extremely expensive, technically superior and outstanding in specific sound regions.

But none of these bolides captivated me so much from the first note, plus this outstanding comfort and frugality in the selection of the drive source.

A dream for purists, for owners of powerful, expensive amplifiers, the 109pro causes a crisis. :wink::laughing:

There is almost no improvement in the sound of the Meze on a FELIKS Audio Envy (an outstanding amplifier).

The Meze sounds extremely good on an Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt and I always find it difficult to take off the headphones and forego their sound and comfort qualities.

None of the other new releases this year triggered that for me.


Don’t know about on other things but on the Envy, they sure sounded great!


The Envy is an outstanding amplifier!

Last weekend I had the pleasure of getting a kind of private demonstration for the headphone and amplifier range at a friend, which is my hi-fi dealer, all Saturday.

The Envy effortlessly drives every headphone on the market, and really lets every connected headphone shine.

In the Meze collection, the Empyrean and Elite really do benefit extremely from this interaction in terms of sound, the 109pro to a lesser extent, probably due to its efficiency.

The complete ZMF portfolio, for example, sounds incredibly light-footed in combination with the Envy, as if they were designed for each other from the start.

And up to this point in time I had also never perceived the Susvara to be so fluid.

Incidentally, the dCS Lina was used as the DAC, it doesn’t get any better than this at the moment.

It’s a pity that I can no longer wear headphones over my cut auricle for a longer period of time, as this really causes pain.

That’s why I decided to go for a high-end in-ear solution in the future.

For me, in my situation, the 109pro is a comfortable, well-sounding short-term solution for 20-30 minutes.


Can you post your EQ preferences of the 109 Pro? That would be fun, especially since this headphone has made quite a few best of lists for 2022.

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Once I’m able to get the headphone in again I’ll put together a fine-grained one.

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I had a chance to listen to one at Capital Audiofest. Even though it was at a show the room was secluded and quiet. It was running off a Oor/Hypsos and I can’t remember the DAC. I found it to be a rather bright headphone and my ears were fatigued after listening to Vicarious by Tool (this is my go to test track). I’m also a wimp when it comes to treble.I think if I could EQ down whatever errant peak was causing my issues then I’d be a lot happier.