I guess I’ve applied to become a provisional member of the Hive Gang.
When I talked with Sajeev, I had hoped that he could paint the plastic/printed stuff purple instead of black because well, @TylersEclectic, He thought I meant the stators. After clearing this up, I found that there were one or two pairs somewhere with purple stators, but they were all gone. There was one pair of blue… I went for it and got lucky.
Here’s what Sajeev said:
Got very lucky and FR turned out quite excellent the first try so it was a fast build. About as good as it gets really. L and R are only 0.09dB apart!
And he sent the above picture, fresh off the Ears.
I haven’t hooked them up yet. I can move the iFi xDSD to take output from the Mac Mini and route it to the Mjolnir-modified Stax SRM-T1S, but the Bifrost 2 is due to arrive tomorrow, I think. Along with my wife’s new iPhone, so I might even be too busy.
I have balanced leads on the way, and I was planning on running balanced from the Bifrost2 to the Stax amp, and unbalanced to my Lyr 3.
I will be able to compare the old STAX SR-5N normal bias to the new Nectar Hive. From the chart above and the descriptions, I think I will be happy with the bass extension.
It will probably take me some time to post more than a few first impression observations as I’m changing more than one thing at a time.