Hi Again @JT0513
I should also have linked you to this thread EQ? Anyone using one? - #2 by Torq
Possibly even more detailed info from Torq.
I recently downloaded the trial of DMG Audio EQuick for use with the SR1a through Audirvana+ which I already used. It is pretty simple to use IMO. I have not decided for sure if it is necessary often enough to bother with, but if you find you are wishing to EQ the SR1a it will do so provided you have a requisite player application (such as Audirvana+).
To be candid, I will likely not use it long term as my own HRTF seems to like the balance of the SR1a without need and I also adjust the baffle angle frequently for different genre as a sort of “EQ” in and of itself. (read this post from @I_want_all_the_tacos EQ? Anyone using one? - #2 by Torq). There are in this thread some folks ingrained against EQ as an indication of a “bad” headphone, however as someone who has also worked for 30+ years in a field that deals with the nuances of brain stimuli, I agree with @I_want_all_the_tacos.
I will, for example with orchestral music, listen with the baffles open wide to nearly perpendicular to my head for the widest stage. This does not work for music, like reggae, where bass is arguably the very foundation of the music. In that case, a closed position of the baffles offers a more visceral bass, and depending on the recording, +2-3 db on the Loki or EQ does the rest.
I’d suggest experimenting extensively with the baffles to see how close you get to your desired balance.
Happy listening.