Anyone else looking forward to this? I like that they tweaked it before release, it will be interesting to see how these sound. I was putting off picking up the HD660 because I knew these were on the way. With the HD700 and HD800 in my stable I really don’t need this or the HD660 but for the price it was hard to pass up on a new headphone from one of my favorite headphone company (Sennheiser).
I nearly pulled the trigger on the last 580 Jubilee drop and now wish I had.
With the Canadian dollar in a nosedive and Trump on a trafe war path, who knows what 150 US will be in Canadian next time they drop!
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Must have been destined to buy these as I broke down and joined the drop late. They were shipped within two days and will be in my hands by Friday.
Kind of glad I hesitated as the wait seemed shorter than if I’d joined early and then had to wait for them to become available
Really looking forward to hearing them after not having the 600s for several years now. I’m glad I didn’t sell the Cardas “Smurf” cable after all!
check out this review and thread by @pwjazz