Sennheiser x Massdrop HD58X Jubile

Anyone else looking forward to this? I like that they tweaked it before release, it will be interesting to see how these sound. I was putting off picking up the HD660 because I knew these were on the way. With the HD700 and HD800 in my stable I really don’t need this or the HD660 but for the price it was hard to pass up on a new headphone from one of my favorite headphone company (Sennheiser).

I nearly pulled the trigger on the last 580 Jubilee drop and now wish I had.
With the Canadian dollar in a nosedive and Trump on a trafe war path, who knows what 150 US will be in Canadian next time they drop!

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Must have been destined to buy these as I broke down and joined the drop late. They were shipped within two days and will be in my hands by Friday.

Kind of glad I hesitated as the wait seemed shorter than if I’d joined early and then had to wait for them to become available :wink:

Really looking forward to hearing them after not having the 600s for several years now. I’m glad I didn’t sell the Cardas “Smurf” cable after all!

check out this review and thread by @pwjazz