I get it. When you buy things like a Rolex, you know you’re paying crazy money for a status item. Is that what we’ve come to in headphones? “Hey guys, let me show you my Euphoria. Sure I could put together one myself for $600, but because I paid $2600 it must sound better.”
Super pricy stuff exists, but it’s always been at the fringe of the hobby, not the center. I don’t think anybody wants to see the headphone hobby go the way of ultra-expensive two channel stuff. $50k for two towers doesn’t even put you in the high end anymore.
Sure, 15ohm headphones will be an issue for a very large number of amps. 50 ohms is more the norm for planar cans though, and so barring the odd exception like the weird Mr speaker stuff and IEMs, I’d imagine it wouldn’t fair badly with Empyrean or Audeze headphones.