What are you upgrading?

(Apologies if I’ve offended anyone.)


HD650 = Junior Aeolus? (Baby Aeolus is taken by the Porta Pros. :wink:)



In as much as the Beyer Amiron Home is a baby Focal Utopia, sure.

(That’s gonna piss someone off, I’m sure. Sorry Utopi a fans.)




I’m in a sugary rum happy spot…should go to bed…but I need to get through the last few photo edits…
but, on upgrades…just got the Bifrost2 in today…currently using it with the JotR and SR1A… what a lovely chain! I’ll swap to the BF2 SPL Phonitor Xe and HEDDPhone here in a sec

I’m trying to listen to new music…but I keep getting lost in it and not actually evaluating if I want the track in my playlist or not lol


That’s a testament to a really good listening experience!

Your brain doesn’t want to analyze, it wants to enjoy. The rum may play into this as well…
:tumbler_glass:” “:tumbler_glass:


The new upgrades in place…


I like it! Looks good.

And I bet it sounds AMAZING. :heart_eyes:

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switching to the Phonitor BF2 HEDDphone combo… wow…noticeable…coming off the RME for a week plus with the HEDDPhone…yeah… @ProfFalkin has the right of it in his comparison of the two… the Bifrost2 is a more enjoyable listen. RME is definitely right there but the Bifrost just for me edges it out for pure enjoyment. RME still is my go to reference though, I can tell that much already :wink:


Is the BF2 similar to a Burr Brown presentation (Warmth and fullness) ?


Yeah, but closer to the AKM4493 in detail and velvet…kind of like a nice mix of the two…


so the HD600 would be the Auteur - the Auteur having some of a wider stage, while the HD600 is what it is

the “Pilar” was Ernest Hemingway´s sailboat

and after it named is a Anso/Voxnaes designed knive (made by CRKT so budget) I always have in my car. It´s sheepfoot design descended from sailors. They got her knives point (front part) broken and filed dull, as they signed up, so they would not that easy stab each other on longer trips :wink:

as an old sailor since my birth, I love these little fun “facts”

if one is interested in beautiful build knives … take a look at GiantMouse Knives

They have the premium line, the Ace line and cooperations with other manufacturers
I have the Giantmouse Ace Biblio Micarta M390 flipper in my Jacket as each day carry :wink:
The “Pilar” is a similar design to the GM1 out of the Premium line.
Later they brought up new options, like better steel material, other colours and the last was the “Large Pilar” in different colours.


so no need for me owning the RME ADI 2 and the ifi xDSD to look at the B2? @TylersEclectic

please say something positive or I have to go the tripping and funky Chord way.

On another forum I would not write this, because I fear hurting someones feelings. You guys are cool with all your Schiit, so I say it out loud - you can hate me, no problem:

it´s a shame…can´t handle the Bifrost 2 design. Ok it´s out. What a relief!
In a “classic” silver Schiit stack(Bifrost 1 and Asgard for example) all boxes look cool and industrial.
On it´s own, the B2´s rounded front disturbes my taste. At least the silver.
It reminds me of the Alien(design by Giger) forehead and the sides not matching with the front-/topplate. In a stack with the Jot R, it´s ok, again. - in black it´s way cooler!
Could hide it somewhere.

I know this is the least important part of a DAC.
But even the SMSL SU-8 has a design I like very much on it´s own. The stack with the 789 is mehh.
The hippy Chord products - you gotta love them, if you have a heart.

oh this is bad:

this is exactly what I feared

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WTF is this?

The world is really boring when we all think alike and prefer the same stuff. Boring sucks. Give me different points of view, ideas, and opinions. Love that stuff.

It’s just audio gear. It’s all preference. Why any of it would offend anyone is completely beyond me.

You’re you. You are entitled to like you things. I’m me. I like me things. Easy as that.

So speak your mind, man!

If people can’t handle it, that’s on them.



thank you @ProfFalkin

that means much to me - I read your comparison and this got me thinking.
Won´t give the RME away - no way. Will add a tube and later on another “pleasure” DAC

I don´t want to sound like an a…h… who talks about other people´s toys in a childish manner, just becaue he or you got something else.
It´s the opposite. I want this product for myself. From what I read, it´s maybe the sound I look for. As company I highly respect “Schiit” for all the achievments.
They provide all sorts of products in every budget, what is not easy to find elswhere.
They obviously listen to the customers and are funny.

For the Bifrost 2(silver only-black is not available at the moment), I would have to pay 829€ (incl taxes), at the netherland Schiit Europe distribution - this is half the price of the Chord QUTEST. On the Chord components, I can easily get my hands on in a few stores near me. With Schiit it´s no chance. Would be a blind buy, with all the trust in you guys.

so in terms of reasonable steps, the “pleasure DAC” will have to wait, until I got the tube solution and one headphone, plus another big solid state amp
but it´s really tempting


an older video by “selzerteonics” I once saw describes it fairly well in my opinion … the “upgrades” in DACs

You can go to 17 minutes in the Video for the describtion approach he took.

This is what I search for in a DAC: - At minute 18 he drawes what he hears from different DACs - supercool way to show it.

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Fun look on the Qutest by Darko with some Schiit in the chain :wink:


@MartinTransporter looks awesome!


the title of the video is a bit catchy - ok
the content is entertaining like all Darko “reviews”