What are your favorite earbuds and why

I’ve been rocking some Shure se215’s and love em!

Have owning and listening through many IEMs, the 1 More Quad Driver IEM are hands down the best of the best. The sound is full, impactful , vocals are just perfect and the treble is sweet. Nothing stands out to agitated my ears. They are so good, I also purchased the 1More Triple Driver OVER ear and can’t say enough about them.

The SE215 are not earbuds. Those are In Ear Monitors.

If we’re talking about actual ear buds, Apple ear buds (don’t judge me) and shozy BK aka Stardust are my favorites. I’m one of those weirdos who actually likes buds but I haven’t heard a lot of good ones. I liked the VE Monks but they’re uncomfortable.

For IEMs, I loved the ATH-LS200’s but they didn’t fit quite right. I’m tempted to buy another pair and change tips but I still want to try Orion’s and the ER4XR. Massdrop Plus were amazing but the treble was just a tad too recessed for my tastes.

I’ve got a pair of the 1More Quad Drivers that I’ve been using as my beater pair. Hated them at first but gave them some time with Comply tips and they grew on me. I initially felt they were severely lacking in the low end but the comply tips brought it out. I wouldn’t buy them for MSRP but you can usually get them on Amazon or at Costco in the $149 range.

Currently I’m really enjoying the Campfire Audio Polaris. Its tuned in a very fun way. Really enjoyable for summer listening!

HIFIMANS are my favorite!

I like sony MDR-XB50BS wireless headphones. this is just amazing and I bought this from Amazon for my workout. :metal::metal:

Do you like the Polaris more than the Orions? How do they compare? I feel like you might have answered this before, but I can’t find the thread…

Really enjoying the Campfire Audio Orions currently

Currently 64Audio U4SEs are my go to IEMs. Also fond of Westone UM30 PROs and UM1 (new version) for beater pair.

64 Audio U12T balanced armature with Spiral Dot ++ eartips. I use a plastic ring (made from a 3mm length cut from some fish tank air hose) to elevate the Spiral Dots on the long nozzles of the U12T - otherwise the nozzle comes all the way through the Spiral Dots and I don’t get the advantage that those “dots” make - all the difference in sound. Outstanding! :+1:

For a change of pace, I use the Sennheiser ie600 dynamic IEMs with Symbio W eartips (foam covered by silicone). Surprisingly good!

Nice - post 6 years later to revive topic. I USE AirPods Pro 2 more than other earbuds because easy and great integration into ecosystem, acceptable sound with XElastic tips, can tune the world in or out - just like they used to say on the Outer Limits control the vertical control the horizontal make it fuzzy or crystal clear…

My FAVORITE is the Audeze LCDi4 with foam eartips. You know why. Actual soundstage, superior sound when using either the cipher cable or more usually Audeze EQ through ROON, Qobuz source, and a good DAC (L&P W4),

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I have to admit that the AirPods Pro 2 are my most used mobile EarPods for several reasons:

  1. The case is so small that I carry them with me all the time.
  2. The sound quality is pretty good, surprising for their size
  3. The ANC is excellent
  4. I can run them from my iPhone, without any dac, amp, cables etc.

A very good compromise for travel, walking, phone calls, etc.

Are you using your custom mold-to-ear Ultimate Ears Fits any more?

Are you using AI to draw self-portraits these days? I do sometimes use the FITS, but it’s maybe once a month. They are quite comfortable and the eq app is good. I had kept them at work before I broke down and did an actual headphone station there, but now if I’m not listening to speakers at work, it’s the ZMF Auteur Classic and Eufonika tube amp.

That’s a photo of you, after a custom fit to your environment. Way, way before AI. You can’t see yourself. How does the sound quality of the UEF compare to the APP2? I’d guess they are more comfortable.

For me, I’m a big fan of a very niche brand, Middle Rabbit. a couple of years ago I bought their SW4 , and this year I bought the SW5, which are earbuds with a dongle and ultra-low latency. As far as the product is concerned, the first thing that stands out is the ease of connecting to your computer via a 2.4 GHz adapter, plug and play, no complications. (Since my laptop doesn’t have bluetooth capability, I wanted to use a wireless headset) The connection is stable and the sound is great, more than enough for gaming and multimedia. Good balance can be felt in the audio, bass or treble is not overly prominent, which is appreciated during long sessions. In fact, the notion of quality is not what they are looking for, but really low latency, which can only be achieved with a wired headset or a wireless headset with a dongle, like this SW5, but of course all of these are on-ear, which is much more discreet since they go inside the ear.