Please excuse the mess and cell phone photography. Thanks to Torq for letting us come over and demo these and a lot of other gears!
Verite Closed sounded quite open and nice. I found it a little more balanced sounding than my Verite with suede pads, and it actually reminded me of @TylersEclectic’s Aeolus (pictured) with suede pads in a closed back form.
Pads mean everything for these ZMFs though, and I didnt get to try them on with other pads as well as doing any proper A-B-C with all the pads given the event.
While the cups look pretty thin, they do stick out quite a bit – super Leia look – with pads on. The cups are pretty much the same size and dimensions as the other two and so you’ll get a good idea of how far they stick out if you’ve seen them. Would look a little ridiculous walking outside in public with them on.