Makes sense. All of it! Btw… the chart you provided is INCREDIBLE!! thank you for that! I guess overall, I was looking to add a “tube component” to the sound of my beloved SP2000. I don’t know if this is going to happen? I did audition the Woo Audio TUBE mini Portable USB DAC/amp. So a few weeks ago I went to a local place to audition one with my SP200- well, that didn’t work.
AT ALL. I plugged the device into the USB C , changed the setting, I believe to DAC input (in USB Mode) and the volume went up to 150 and was blasting through a pair of demo 109 Pro’s… Could not control the volume from my DAP, could not control the volume through the Tube mini device… To this day, I don’t know what could have gone wrong! Talked to Mike @ Woo audio and he was stomped. didn’t know what happened? The guys at the demo-Audio Shop couldn’t figure it out either… and they are an authorized A&K dealer. LOL!!
It was nuts. So he plugged it into his phone and I listened to a couple of tracks. It sounds “OK” nothing AMAZING. Don’t know if that was because of his phone was the transport or the device was not that great? Surprised tho, cause I have heard some Woo amps and they are like butter!! Lastly you are 1000% spot on right on the cable and amp costs… HYSTERICAL!!
Glad you like it; its was something I cobbled together over a few hours, spread across a few days, while sitting in airports/on planes, using just an iPad. Took longer to pull together all the data than to write the code.
I don’t know how to get to that, either. The SP2000T isn’t it, neither is the C9, the. TUBE-Mini is a different beast entirely (missed opportunity that it isn’t a) natively USB-C and b) doesn’t have an analog input - even if it still needs USB for power).
The old ALO Audio Continental Dual-Mono used to be a nice option, but you’ll be hard pressed to find one, it’ll need its batteries replaced, requires a dedicated (non-USB) charger, runs-hot and has rather short battery life. It’s also a bit noisier than any of the NuTube based designs.
I hear you. I’ll simply just hold tight, enjoy the sound of what I have and keep an eye out for a “new revelation” Again, thank you for the education… your conversation and time has been INCREDIBLY helpful to say the least!
BTW…I am seriously considering selling my Meze Lirics- with the Meze upgraded PUCUHD copper cable. They are in mint condition, I think I’ve sat with them for least than 12 hours total. They sound amazing, they just don’t get much play, not since I got my Sony Z1Rs…which are addictive! LOL! If you know anyone, send them my way? I’m new to the platform and not able to “officially” sell anything as of yet. Take it is and enjoy your weekend. Talk soon!
@Torq … Hope all is well with you my friend.
I have been reading reviews etc. on this “NEW” Cayin N30LE Digital Audio Player- That’s limited to 300 units worldwide. Oh, btw… it’s $4999!
The specs look very impressive…
Analog Amplification and Connectivity
- Balanced tube amplification with matched paired KORG Nutube 6P1
- Fully-discrete fully-balanced NPN/PNP Push-pull headphone amplifier supports dedicated 3.5mm single-ended and 4.4mm balanced phone output
- Triple Timber (Nutube Classic, Nutube Modern, Solid-state) from Gen3 vacuum tube audio circuit
- Dual Amplifier Mode (Choice of Class A/Class AB)
- Dual Output Mode: P (Standard) and P+ (High Power) mode
- Hyper Mode: Combing Class A, P+, and numerous operation adjustments to deliver ultimate performance
- Highly linear volume control through a pair of low noise, low distortion resistance ladder-based MUSES72320 stereo electronic volume
- Desktop grade 3.5mm single-ended (2.1V, 1.6V, 1.0V) and 4.4mm balanced (4.2V, 3.2V, 2.0V) selectable output level Line Out
- 3.5mm single-ended and 4.4mm balanced Preamp output
The amplification options, DAC etc. look to be a plus up from the Cayin N8ii.
All said, I’m interested in hearing the $5K device. I’ll give it an audition at SoCal Can Jam. I was wondering if you’ve heard or read anything about this and what your thoughts are? Oh, there is also a 2nd “offering” that is the Cayin N30LE Amber Pearl Combo (with UM Amber Pearl IEM) - (99 sets worldwide) and that is (Insert drumroll) $12,999.00. For that… I have no words. Again, the Cayin N30LE looks to be packed with multiple tube options… but is it really worth a $5K price tag?? Lastly, I am definitely going to try out the Woo AW8. As you, and several others have said, it’s about the best, truest tube experience that can be had in a “transportable” unit…
You mean this?
I pre-ordered a few minutes after it got posted.
I’ll post some proper thoughts a bit later, if I have the time, but in short its the best portable playback I’ve heard, handily clobbers a good number of well-respected desktop solutions, and sounds absolutely magnificent.
There have been some hardware issues during the launch, which are getting rectified (I’m on my 2nd unit, with a 3rd in-bound, but you can read about that on the Head-Fi thread). Normally I’m quick to opt out when such things happen - but in this case it has proven to be worth sticking it out while getting the issues resolved as there is nothing else quite like this right now.
It’s not for me to say whether it’d be worth $5K to you.
For me? Yes.
While on a raw technical (objective) level, there are a couple of portable units that are close, in terms of engagement, involvement and raw listening pleasure - at the moment it is in a class of its own.
Though similar, the C9/N8ii are not as good on the amplification front (I liked the original N8 better than either, in that regard), and the DAC is definitely ahead of that in the N8ii.
You can see from the picture … this thing is pretty large and relatively heavy and gets very toasty (had it up to 120F so far). I believe it’s bigger than the C9 amplifier, thought not as large as the WA8. Battery life here has been around 10.5 hours either streaming or from local replay, in Class A, Classic Tube and both Low and Medium gains. A WA8 will do well to get 4.5 hours.
I didn’t get the Amber Pearl combo - I’ve no interest in IEMs that use BA drivers for bass/sub-bass. Another chap here did, but I’ll let him chime in if the wants to.
Definitely worth taking the time to hear it at CanJam … though getting one might be tough. I’m half a mind to get a 2nd one “just in case”.
More in a bit.
WOOOWWWW!!! You dog! You got it!! DAMN! Congratulations!!! Man, it looks BIG! REALLY BIG! I have the SP2000 as well and this is significantly bigger!
I figured something like this would get rather “warm” due to what it packs. 120F… Good Lord! Does it come with a leather case? I’m sure it does, does it help with the heat? That screen! OMG, and the sound, I can only imagine!! I thought my SP2K was IT and the end game for me but I think that has all changed now. YES, I definitely want to hear this unit and will this weekend!!
Are these “major” issues?? This is the 3rd unit?? That is concerning… I’m wondering if I should maybe wait? I would think/pray they will release this sometime sooner than later to a wider run… maybe? Damn, now I’m wondering if I can sell my SP2K and what I would get for it? Any thoughts on a list price? I’m almost afraid to listen to it, (kinda like Speed Racer and the mysterious Melange)
Cause I will then NEED it! LOL! I think the $5K is worth it because you probably wouldn’t need anything else for a VERY long time after. You don’t need an amp or tube amp or DAC or anything in addition. Just some serious headphones! Btw, what cans are you using with this bad boy??
I can hold it in my hand, with my pinky curled up under the bottom left of the unit, and still comfortably put my thumb on the power button. But, yes, it is significantly larger than the SP2000, as well as being quite a bit thicker.
It does come with a leather case. The back is a metal grill, for heat dissipation. But it runs hotter IN the case than out, of course. You’re not going to be putting this in a pocket though - at least not in any practical or comfortable way.
Well, you can read the HeadFi thread for details (this post is probably the best place to start), but if you got an affected unit you’d want to return it to have it fixed.
Units sold from now on should not have the issue, and Cayin are fixing all existing affected units. And then Cayin are providing a 5 year warranty (that follows the unit) for this issue, in case someone doesn’t have the issue today finds that some future IEM/headphone/cable combination causes it.
My first was just faulty and was quickly replaced. The replacement had the issue above with ONE of my many IEMs and headphones (IE600 … without which I would not have known my unit had an issue).
The incoming (3rd) unit is one with the re-biasing done.
You can sell it.
The used market is very slow/depressed at the moment. The SP2000 being the previous generation of units doesn’t help.
I listed mine at $1,695 earlier today. I expect it’ll go for closer to $1,500 (inc. fees/shipping). But we’ll see.
There are two others I see at $1,200 (with scratches and dings) and $1,399 (missing the accessories and packaging), but it’s hard to say what they’ll actually sell for. Prior listings in 2023 look like they ran from about $1,200 to $1,650.
I’ve tried it with all my IEMs and non-electrostatic headphones. Sounds amazing with all of them. Mostly I’m listening with the Empire Ears Odin.
Yes, I’ve been reading through the “Hissing” issues. I am SO VERY sorry that this is happening to you and the others… it SUXX! It “takes a piece out of the euphoria” I’d imagine. STILL, I am incredibly excited to give this a listen! Being a fellow owner of the SP2K, and you saying that this is up for sale and this new unit is “absolutely magnificent” says it all!!
So, do you think this powerhouse will ever get a “general release”??
I would think something so wildly popular would demand it. I probably will sell my current SP2K at some point in the next couple months, it’s in immaculate condition, the case has a few lite marks and 1 super small nick, but it’s only the case…everything else is A+ w/all accessories. Man, good luck on your replacement, it sounds like Andy + team are scrambling to correct this issue immediately so I’m sure you’re all set…very soon. I’ll reach out in the next few days, after I have heard the “holy grail”. Hell, my wife is going to Can Jam with me, so there will be no “sneaking in” ANY mysterious boxes of any kind (LOL!!) But I will figure it out if the opportunity presents itself…! In the meantime, enjoy the music and the new DAP… it looks astounding! Congrats again!
It’s a little annoying, but not a very big deal. If I didn’t have the IE600, which I was never planning on using with the N30LE anyway, I wouldn’t know this unit had an issue. It’s not causing issues with what I am listening on. And I’ve got well over 100 hours listening on this unit so far.
I imagine I’ll have my replacement sometime next week, and if all is well, which I expect it will be, that’ll be that.
There would have to be changes.
The DACs (AKM4499EQ) the N30LE is using are no longer available (pre-AKM fire), and Cayin have said they didn’t have enough to do a non-limited run (they were originally going in the N8ii). So, at a minimum, that part would have to change.
And the closest equivalent is the AKM4499EXEQ. To get the same performance you’d need four of those, plus a pair of 4191EQs … and that’s a lot more board space (6 ICs instead of 2). So things would have to get bigger overall, or the battery would have to get smaller, or something else would have to give.
I do think that they’ll do an N8iii (or similar) and maybe a C9ii that uses the new amplifier and tri-timbre circuits. It’ll probably look different. Likely won’t use Titanium for the casing. And they have to use a different DAC.
I’m going to leave the current N30LE posts here, but future posts on Cayin’s new flagship should go in the N30LE thread.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Cayin N30LE - DAP - Official Thread