Are you referring to SoundSource?
Is the program you’re using a Parametric EQ, allowing for the bandwidth/Q, frequency and gain level to be adjusted? If not, Resolve’s EQ settings won’t work.
Is there a way to use River as the EQ for other apps (like iTunes, Roon, or Spotify)?
I have mine set up slightly differently but when you click on Add Effect you scroll down to Apple and there you should see the option for AUParametricEQ. This adds
a one band parametric eq for which you can set the frequency, gain and Q. You drag the little dot to where you want it and you get a readout as you drag. For each frequency in @resolves reference you add another AUParametricEQ filter so they stack. He has 12 frequencies so you need to stack 12 filters.
No, but if you already have Roon, you can at least EQ through there (has its own PEQ). Also, check out @Swoquix post above.
Try saving the below in a text file and open it using “Add Other Profile…” in your screenshot. It should match Audeze LCD-5 - Official Thread - #178 by Resolve but probably worth checking.
I think you will need to disable the 10-Band EQ and only have Headphone EQ enabled.
Preamp: -8.5 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 10 Hz Gain 0.0 dB Q 1.41
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 42 Hz Gain 2.5 dB Q 1.41
Filter 3: ON LS Fc 80 Hz Gain 3.5 dB Q 1.41
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 250 Hz Gain 0 dB Q 1.2
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 524 Hz Gain -1.0 dB Q 1.41
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 3000 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 2.0
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 5300 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 3.0
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 5720 Hz Gain 0.0 dB Q 3.0
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 6700 Hz Gain 5.0 dB Q 4.0
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 7800 Hz Gain 4.0 dB Q 3.0
Filter 11: ON PK Fc 8200 Hz Gain 2.0 dB Q 1.41
Filter 12: ON PK Fc 12000 Hz Gain 3.5 dB Q 3.0
Edit: seems to load ok for me but I have no idea if it sounds right as I don’t have the LCD5 yet
That worked. Thanks! Now to listen to see what I think about this EQ.
I use Roon and its a long time since I used SoundSource. If @kion’s text file thing works that’s definately the way to go! But just to add to the knowledge base here about SoundSource, if you right click on the AUParametricEQ which you get once selected in the Apple menu you’ll see a little popup which toggles between Use Generic Audio Interface and Use Custom Audio Interface. The one I grabbed in the screenshot is the custom one. The generic one offers 3 fields to type in the values you want. But if you can upload a text file that is so much less complicated!
I know that I asked this above, but it was part of a bunch of other questions.
I’m running a THX 887 amp, and while the LCD-5’s sound good, they don’t blow me away. I also have the CRBN’s on order and will order a Carbon amp in the next month or so to pair with them, but for the LCD-5’s, I’m wondering if there’s anything that’d really take these to the next level.
For my DAC, I’m using an SMSL SU-8s. The DAC and AMP were originally bought to drive my HD650’s.
However, maybe I’m playing w/ significant diminishing returns at this point, and am about at the end of what I can expect.
Well, you’ve gone and bought one of the most technical and revealing headphones ever created. And plugged them into a DAC/Amp combo more at the level of a HD650.
So I guess you need to assess budget and what you want to get out of your system.
You also might be struggling with its tonality especially if you aren’t EQing it to suit your preferences.
There are plenty of threads here you can go through and read to see if the Amp/Dac fit your sonic preference.
I would look into A&S, SPL, Headamp, Ifi, Holo, Rockna and many others. You will get 10 different answers from 10 different people. So I would read into each and decide for yourself based on what you are trying to get out of your headphones and what you want more of.
I would venture to say you are not near reaching that point for the LCD-5. Perhaps explore not only different tiers of performance, but also different topologies and sound signatures.
I’d really suggest looking into higher-performing DACs and amplifiers. Lots of references to other options already. My personal favorite on my journey so far is my Burson Soloist 3xp connected to my Bifrost 2. I know there’s a lot of focus out there on certain measurements, but I promise your ears will tell you the truth pretty quickly and the difference won’t be subtle.
I don’t have nearly as much experience here as many others by in my limited experience reaching for EQ is usually a sign that headphone is not going to be a great match for you. Everyone’s ear physiology is different and we all experience sound different and have different sonic preferences.
Weiss now have a relatively expensive DAC 502 with headphone amp that seems to be tailored to take care of the desire to EQ Audeze headphones:
This “design with EQ in mind” has precedent with Audeze, e.g. LCD 4i, where they shipped a matching “Cipher” cable with built-in EQ (without that tweak the LCD 4i had a very different profile). And of course the correction profiles that ship with Roon for all Audeze headphones, and are also available in standalone software (for those who don’t desire corrective EQ as part of their hardware playback chain).
It will help to always keep in mind the synergy and the system as a whole. Don’t just look at the individual parts where most reviews, unfortunately, tend to highlight. Think about what sonic goal you’re trying to achieve and your overall strategy, not just focusing on tactics (ie. “best” hp, amp, iem, etc… in each category). If you’re not sure what you’re looking for then I would suggest taking the time to try other stuff (not just hps) or consider the advice given here until you find something that clicks.
This was sort of my point… I had a system set up for HD650’s, and bought LCD-5’s, and am looking to take full advantage of them. Thus, I’m here asking for recommendations.
Also, I’ve EQ’d them, and that’s all included above in this thread. But, I’m not all that experienced at EQ’ing something like this and am more likely to make things worse for myself. So, I’m looking to learn from what others have found to be ideal, and then go from there.
I would start there. And add in Burson maybe.
I love the idea that someone has already made an EQ to work with their gear. This is an excellent option IMO for the LCD-5. However, they’re not easy to just order from what I can see. It looks like you have to jump through some hoops to do so.
I like the idea of the GS-X mk2. Would you agree that that’s to the caliber of an amp that’d really let the LDC-5’s perform to their best?