I’ve not heard the Solaris personally. I would love to. I like the way that you describe it being holographic. They certainly know how to put an Iem together. Loving my U18t’s to bits though. Got the notes written for it I just need to take some pictures for the review. I feel so lazy. I should have done this already. Especially with you guys doing 10 reviews a day.
I agree re the Andromeda sparkle. It’s addictive, especially for a treble head like me. Unfortunately this is something I haven’t been able to recreate with the U18t’s. But that’s why I have kept my Andromeda’s too.
You know what has been helping me lately is I have been Bullet Journaling to keep track of my days it has been a huge help for my ADHD… I still don’t get to everything but it helps me track and complete tasks…plus it has gotten me to start writing more and putting ideas down on paper helps a lot.
I have never heard the 64audio stuff but I’ve always fancied the look of them.
As I listen more and more to the Solaris the more I enjoy it, it really is something else.
Thanks for the tips Tyler.
Pretty. Impressions?
My review of the Solaris was just posted on headphone.com here this week.
As far as this “pairing” – I am really liking it so far. The SR15 is dead quiet, and that helps with an ultra sensitive IEM like the Solaris. I had audible noise that was even present in some quiet moments in songs with the Fiio M9. The Pioneer XDP-300R is also hiss-free but I find it is very sterile and analytical. It works fine with the Solaris, but the more lively sound of the AK Norma matches the lively sound of the Solaris pretty well.
This is how I feel about listening to them through the iFi NiBL ! They sound pretty magical through the iFi… I will play with them on my RME ADI-2DAC this weekend.
I find a larger Spiral Dot with a shallow insertion is the best for my ears in terms of comfort. And, your ears get used to the feeling after awhile. Totally worth it.
Yeah, I tried using my other tips, and just don’t like hem anymore…Spiral Dots are perfect for me at this point. I can only find Medium or s/m sizes though…haven’t looked too hard as I’m ok with my Medium ones. I do want to see if they make a large just to try.
Yes, I started trying out tips size L tips that I just packed away and never looked at, since i normally use size S tips. Larger tips seem to work better for me with this IEM.
They make a M/L and an L. I use both, depending on the IEM. L with the Solaris and LCDi4.
I think the L would be nice for the Solaris! I’ll look into buying some…they aren’t on Amazon so now I need to search lol…PITA sandwiches! Lol
Ok ordered the ML an L from Japan! Now to wait the 3-4weeks for them to arrive lol
Here’s an EQ setting I’m toying with right now in Room EQ Wizard and RME ADI-2 DAC. Gives the upper mids and lower treble a little more emphasis back.
Blue line is just harman target curve (you can ignore it)
Good to see some sun! I had plans for pictures the last two days outside since it was supposed to be nice and instead it was the typical grey and gloomy weather. Campfire IEMs tend to look very good in the sun.
When are your custom tips coming in or are they still coming?
Oh man, it’s been beautiful all week down here. Hopefully it stays that way tomorrow at our meet-up.
I don’t know when the tips will come in yet. They accepted and approved them on Tuesday. My first set of impressions were rejected so I had to get some new ones made. I DIY’d it this time, but they were acceptable! The website says delivery time is typically 2-3 weeks right now, so I imagine by mid-May.
I ordered some size SS (super small?) SpinFits today and size small SpiralDots to test out with these as well. The SpinFits should be arriving any time now and SpiralDots this weekend and will give those a go. @MCM also sent me some Medium sized ones to test out too!
The best for sound for me so far! Hopefully you have a similar experience! I’m waiting on M/L and L sets from Japan…2-3weeks…
The tips that came with the BGVP DM7 in the smallest size are doing wonders for me on the Solaris. They are narrower and slightly taller than the CP145s and have similar spin/twist ability.
Love the EQ settings so far. When I was EQ’ing off of Crin’s graph, the Solaris imaging got all out of whack. It was especially noticeable in the Star Wars Main Theme recording from Empire Strikes Back, specifically. There’s a French Horn in this recording of the theme that is a little hot in the left channel. My EQ made the harmonics of the horn sound like it was coming from way further out than the main tone. I think it has to do with handover from the mid driver to the TAEC tweeters?
Anyway, your EQ gives enough boost to resolve some of the tonal issues without causing the harmonics to blow out too far. Nice work. I’m looking forward to seeing how this evolves. I’m kinda thinking about getting an EARS or coupler just so that I can fine tune my EQs. Which brings up a question I had: Can the mic and ears part of the EARS be removed from the headphone stand part of it? It could be neat to use it as a binaural mic with a 360° camera to record the kids at a recital or school play or something.