I compared the two yesterday, like actually sat down and did an A/B comparison.
I found wile listening to some artist from Boston Clairo, her songs were, Alewife, North, Closer to you, and Bags.
I found with every song, that the Solaris offered a more holographic sound. The notes were coming from the bottom left, bottom right, upper left, and upper right, all wile the singer was dead center, and all at the same time. It felt like they were layered, almost as if they were on top of each other. It was actually very impressive and I think I figured out why you guys love this IEM so much now.
The Legend X does this but its not as in your face noticeable. The Solaris I feel has more noticeable separation. However, everything about the LX is smother, it has more detail too. The detail is more audible, you can hear the plucks of the strings along with the guitar notes, the drum stick tapping along with the drum notes, if that makes sense? I feel you can hear this with the Solaris, however you need to tune the IEM with different tips and sacrifice low end at the same time. I was using the Final Tips on the Solaris yesterday, I did switch to spinfits too. I found the Spinfits gave it more detail at the sacrifice of bass, but the bass was still fine, just duller or not as forward.
IMO the Legend X is a better preforming IEM, its Treble is a bit different, its not as loud, its darker. Think LCD-2C vs LCD-X in terms of treble.
You can tune the LX with tips to balance it out, that’s what I did, the sub bass is overpowering at times. I removed the final tips and replaced them with spinfits 4mm bore, they are the shorter ones with the yellow ring at the base. I think the Solaris offers more vocal fun and balance, wile the LX is a “lets relax” and listen and enjoy the music IEM, yet you can hear every last detail wile doing so.
The legend X takes more power to drive it then the Solaris. The Solaris is very picky about its source, it can find a noise floor real fast
I think they are both different IEMs that have their own party tricks. IMO its worth owning both for whatever mood you are in.
At the end of the day, the LX did not really have to sacrifice anything to hear detail. The Solaris did this insane layering and holographic thing that I never heard before. The highs were a bit fuller too and more forward. The highs on the LX are darker, I want to say rolled off but IDK if that’s the right word. The Solaris is a lot more uncomfortable in the ear then the LX to me. The Solaris hurts, unless I move it more forward. With the LX it just sits there and I don’t notice it.
IMO, I would say to anyone get the LX if you have the 2200 to spend, then get the Solaris later. Unless you need a more treble in your IME and you want to hear some insane holographic separation. If your budget will only allow between 400-700 get the Fiio FH7 or the Empire Ear’s Bravado, also the Atlas is at 900 dollars on Campfires website. I think the Andromeda would sound a bit anemic in today’s line up, given it has no dynamic driver, plus its been unchanged for years now. (I have never heard this IEM. I am making this assumption on the fact it has no dynamic driver. I have heard all BA and they don’t sound good to me, they are lacking in low end IMO. Plus its older tech, this IEM came out years ago, however its still being sold. So they must have done something right and I could be wrong, but that’s why I didn’t want to buy it)
This is all subjective to ones preference in music. I enjoyed the both with great quality recordings, also I would say both are have a great balance, I had no problem switching from POP to Jazz then to Rock with either of these IEMs. If you like more balance go with the Solaris if you like more thud and detail go with the LX.
What I am wondering is how the Special edition stacks up to the original Solaris and also how the Empire Ears Wraith VALKYRIE compares, has anyone heard any of these yet?
Side Note: Sorry for any mistakes in my grammar.